Palazzo Marino. Domani Bertolé alla presentazione del cortometraggio “Baradar”

Palazzo Marino. Lunedì 24 Bertolé alla presentazione del cortometraggio “Baradar”

At 21pm in the Alessi Room. The director, the authors of the books published by Feltrinelli that inspired the film and Carlotta Sami, UNHCR spokesperson for Southern Europe, will participate

Milan, June 23 2019 - Domani, lunedì 24 giugno, alle ore 21 in Sala Alessi a Palazzo Marino il presidente del Consiglio comunale Lamberto Bertolé parteciperà alla presentazione del cortometraggio del regista Beppe Tufarulo “Baradar”.
The film, set in Turkey, takes up a dramatic episode in the life of Alì Ehsani, who reached Italy from Afghanistan on a journey that lasted years, as told by Ehsani himself together with Francesco Casolo in the books "Tonight we look at the stars" and "Boys have big dreams" both published by Feltrinelli.
The authors, Francesco Casolo and Ali Ehsani, together with the director Beppe Tufarulo and Carlotta Sami, UNHCR spokesperson for Southern Europe, will be present at the screening and will dialogue with the public.



Updated: 23/06/2019