Palazzo Marino. Audizioni e incontri con le associazioni, al via la fase due del tavolo permanente del Consiglio comunale

Palazzo Marino. Audizioni e incontri con le associazioni, al via la fase due del tavolo permanente del Consiglio comunale

Milan, 17 April 2020 - With a series of hearings, from employers' and trade unions' associations to the Third Sector, from university institutions to those most representative of city society, the Lombardy Region and the Italian Government, the second phase of work of the permanent table established by the Council starts next week municipal and chaired by president Bertolé - vice-president councilor Andrea Mascaretti -, which involves the group leaders in the municipal council, the mayor Giuseppe Sala or the deputy mayor Anna Scavuzzo and the budget councilor Roberto Tasca.

Following the coronavirus emergency, the City Council established the permanent table - made up of the Mayor (or in case of absence, the Deputy Mayor), the President of the City Council, the Office of the President, the Budget Councilor and the Group Leaders - with the task of meeting the city's actors to listen to their needs and proposals, to discuss with other institutions, to direct the resources allocated to direct and indirect interventions, to identify priorities. The body is chaired by the President of the Municipal Council Lamberto Bertolé, the vice-president of the Permanent Committee the Councilor Andrea Mascaretti.

The Table will invite trade unions, employers' associations, third sector organisations, the Conference of Rectors and organizations representing the various city realities to expose needs and useful proposals for the resumption of activities and will initiate a discussion with the other institutional levels with the same aims.

"The table - declare the president Lamberto Bertolé and the vice-president Andrea Mascaretti - has so far guaranteed political discussion between the Administration and the City Council regarding the emergency. With the resumption of the commissions and now of the City Council weeks ago, it now opens a phase of listening and dialogue with the living forces of the city and with the institutions to plan city activities and accompany the so-called phase 2 of the strategy to combat the ongoing health emergency".

Updated: 17/04/2020