Note from the Mayor Giuseppe Sala and Luigi de Magistris

Note from the Mayor Giuseppe Sala and Luigi de Magistris

Letter Sala-de Magistris

Milan, 1 April 2022 – "The reconstruction provided by Prof. Ricciardi in an interview published this morning by Il Mattino and taken up by various press outlets is devoid of any foundation and will be evaluated in the appropriate forums."

This was stated in a joint note by the Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala and Luigi de Magistris, mayor of Naples from 2011 to 2021.

"Our activity and our commitment have always been aimed at maximum institutional collaboration, reiterated and strongly underlined in our letter to Minister Speranza".

"No strenuous opposition, as Ricciardi states, but rather the maximum availability for dialogue and joint work on very complex issues with potentially dramatic effects, as we wrote in the note to the Minister (which we attach anyway) who was responsible, as we know, together with the regions, any decision in this regard", conclude Sala and de Magistris.


Updated: 01/04/2022