Nonni amici. Ripartito il progetto davanti a 85 scuole di Milano

Nonni amici. Ripartito il progetto davanti a 85 scuole di Milano

Milan, October 2 2020 – The 'Grandparents Amici' project has restarted in front of 85 schools, of which 5 with active "Let's go to school alone" paths: 325 volunteers, of which 133 women, who accompany the entry and exit of children every day boys and girls in nursery and primary schools.

Three associations participated in the Municipality's tender and carry out this voluntary service which aims to promote road safety and integration: Auser (leader), Ada and Anteas.

L’attività, svolta in collaborazione con gli assessorati all'Educazione e alla Sicurezza, ha preso il via la prima volta nel 1999 in via sperimentale su 30 scuole con il supporto di 120 nonni.
Over the years the project has grown and been enriched, thanks to the relationships established with the school managements, also with other moments of exchange between children and the elderly, such as educational outings, the presence of grandparents at Christmas and end-of-year parties, stories of fairy tales and participation in small school projects.


Updated: 02/10/2020