Snow. The table with the participating companies was convened to share the plan of interventions

Snow. The table with the participating companies was convened to share the plan of interventions

According to the rainfall forecast between Sunday and Monday. Condominium administrators have already been alerted for the areas in front of private buildings

Milan, 24 December 2020 – The snow table was held today - and will meet again in the next few days - convened by the Municipality of Milan following the latest weather forecasts which warn of a possible snowfall between Sunday 27th and Monday 28th December.

At the table, chaired by the deputy mayor Anna Scavuzzo and the councilor for Mobility and Public Works Marco Granelli, present all the municipal departments involved, the Civil Protection and the subsidiaries A2a, AMSA, ATM and MM.

The action plan was shared which will be implemented promptly in the hours preceding the disturbance and which will affect the entire city area, with the aim of not creating inconvenience due to the accumulation of snow. In particular, the notice has already been issued to condominium administrators, in the event of a drop in temperatures, to spread salt in the parts of the streets and sidewalks in front of private buildings and to remove the snow in the event of heavy rainfall.

Updated: 24/12/2020