Museum of the Twentieth Century. Two digital initiatives to accompany primary school children in discovering the masterpieces of 900th century art

Museum of the Twentieth Century. Two digital initiatives to accompany primary school children in discovering the masterpieces of 900th century art

Now freely downloadable from the Museum website, Kit Edu900, a digital journey through the history of art, and "Museum calls school", a call to create a junior journey in the rooms of the permanent collection

Milan, November 23 2020 – The Museo del Novecento has created two different initiatives dedicated to primary school children to involve them not only in learning about, but also in first-person narration of the history of twentieth-century art.

The first is Kit Edu900, a real "digital kit" that allows you to discover the Museum of the Twentieth Century thanks to a 15-minute video, freely downloadable from the site, which accompanies children to discover ten masterpieces from the permanent collection. Guided by a voice-over and enriched by small graphic animations, the video aims to illustrate the languages ​​of art with a child-friendly narration, and is accompanied by a proposal for a group or individual game/workshop to be carried out in the classroom or at home, inspired by one of the works described in the video: “The canceled book” by Emilio Isgrò. Kit Edu900 is completed by in-depth materials on the Museum and the works, dedicated both to teachers as a tool for classroom teaching, and to families, as a moment of sharing an experience with children.

The second initiative, conceived by Edu900 on the occasion of the tenth birthday of the Museo del Novecento (6 December), is also aimed at primary school children and their teachers. “Museum calls school” - this is the title of the project - is an invitation to learn about and reflect on a selection of works from the Museum's collection. 30 cards dedicated to as many works exhibited in the permanent collection, downloadable from the site, have been developed for teachers and children. Each card contains a photo of a work, a child-friendly description and a space in which children can write a comment, a short sentence describing their feelings or simply the reaction that the work evokes. For each of the 30 works, a comment will be selected, among all those sent to the Museum, which will be reported - with the indication of the author, the class and the school - on "junior format" captions, which will be added to the "official" ones ” to compose a new route through the rooms of the Museum.

Kit Edu900 is created by Edu900, the Department of the Museo del Novecento which designs and manages educational and didactic activities, in collaboration with Stem in the city, an initiative of the Municipality of Milan to spread the importance of culture and digital knowledge among new generations, with the contribution of Studio Susanna Legrenzi and the Grande factory of words.

"The 'Stem in the city' schedule is enriched with two initiatives which, thanks to digital, manage to connect culture, teaching and education in a historical moment in which we are completely readapting our way of life - commented the Councilor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services Roberta Cocco - Younger people are using technology as a learning tool, to complement the irreplaceable work of teachers, and they know they can count on a valid ally to learn new things and, as in this case, discover the artistic and cultural treasures of our city".

“The current health emergency has had an important impact on schools and cultural institutions, pushing us to rethink the methods of communication with the public and opening up new challenges and scenarios – declared the councilor for Culture Filippo Del Corno -. The use of digital educational and teaching resources is a useful tool in this historical moment and is of primary importance for schools and museums, which are key players in the growth of a healthy community thanks to their ability to spread the culture of beauty and to create a sense of belonging even in the smallest citizens".

Updated: 23/11/2020