Museum of the Twentieth Century. From Friday, Anna Valeria Borsari's solo show "From some point uncertain" will open to the public

Museum of the Twentieth Century. From Friday, Anna Valeria Borsari's solo show "From some point uncertain" will open to the public

The exhibition is part of the Milan Art week schedule and will be open until 13 February 2022 in the Archive Space, entry included in the Museum ticket Image gallery

Milan, September 9 2021 – The Museum of the Twentieth Century opens to the public in its archive space the exhibition "From some point uncertain", a solo exhibition by the artist Anna Valeria Borsari (1943) curated by Giorgio Zanchetti and Iolanda Ratti with Giulia Kimberly Colombo. With this new project the Museum confirms its vocation in the field of historical-artistic research which leads it to investigate the complexity of the twentieth century. In particular, the exhibition recounts the artist's work from the end of the XNUMXs to the present day and therefore delves into that period which was the cradle of media experimentation, from painting to moving images.

The exhibition itinerary recounts the work of continuous exploration of the themes of identity and the relationship between reality and representation, investigated through sculpture, the photographic medium, installation and intervention in space. Anna Valeria Borsari's artistic practice, in fact, is inspired by her studies of linguistics and philosophy of language, is therefore born outside the traditional circuits and continues maintaining an independent character, even if in close dialogue with the most current aspects of the cultural debate of the last decades.

The exhibition is part of Milan Art week, the program promoted by the Municipality of Milan | Culture which for an entire week, from 13 to 19 September, will propose exhibitions and performances throughout the city involving institutions, foundations, public and private entities, with a rich calendar of initiatives dedicated to modern and contemporary art.

"From some point uncertain" offers an all-round overview of Anna Valeria Borsari's conceptual practice, highlighting how her experimentation was a precursor of some experiences, such as that of the site-specific dimension, which became central for the artists of subsequent generations . The exhibition follows the main themes and lines of research that the artist has consistently explored throughout his activity, showing a dialogue between works that are distant in terms of dating and technique, but conceptually similar, and presenting a new installation produced for the occasion.

Starting from the Seventies, the first room highlights the transition from the photographic series - with which the artist establishes the impossibility of defining reality through images - to a broader field of tools - painting, installations and site-specific interventions - on the border between reality and fiction. If in this case the attempt is to express the acceptance and elaboration of the loss of subjective identity in the other, 1977 marks a further opening to external contributions and interference: the public, often unaware of witnessing a gesture artistic, the natural and urban environment and recontextualized everyday objects become part of the work, altering and sometimes even erasing the artist's intervention itself. In this broad field of possibilities and participation, Borsari in a certain sense renounces the role of sole creator of the work: in fact she does not try to completely dominate energies and situations triggered by herself, but limits herself to highlighting them and connecting them in a poetic discourse.

The focal points of Anna Valeria Borsari's journey are further developed in the Archive Room through some fundamental thematic nuclei: memory, transformation, relationship and place. Here two installations are placed in dialogue to provide a more recent portrait of the artist and her position towards the public and society. "Lotteria" is the reconstruction of an installation from 2000, a sort of autobiography composed of personal objects and memories, which in the original version was dispersed through a prize draw; an investigation into the artist's position can be found in "From remote", the new work conceived for this exhibition. The exhibition is completed by materials such as invitations, photographs and publications.

Entrance to the exhibition is included in the ticket to the Museo del Novecento.

Updated: 10/09/2021