Safe movement. The ban on the sale of takeaway food and drinks in glass or cans has been extended to 5 October

Safe movement. The ban on the sale of takeaway food and drinks in glass or cans has been extended to 5 October

Milan, September 2 2021 – The ban in nightlife areas on selling or serving takeaway food and drinks in bottles and glass or can containers has been extended until 5 October, from 22pm to 5am. Only paper or plastic containers may be used after tapping or serving drinks. The use of glass and cans will be permitted exclusively inside the premises or in the stalls with table service.

This is what was established by the new ordinance to continue the objective of making the squares, streets and neighborhoods most frequented in the evening and at night safer and cleaner.

The provision, motivated precisely by reasons of protection of decorum, the environment, cultural heritage and safety, applies to all types of neighborhood businesses, medium and large sales structures, commercial activities, takeaway artisans, public establishments , vending machines and street food that work in the areas of the Duomo, the Arco della pace, Ticinese, Darsena, Navigli and Tortona, Nolo, Corso Como, Gae Aulenti, Garibaldi and Brera, Isola, Melzo and Lazzaretto. In these last two areas, until October 3rd, it will be forbidden to sell or give away alcoholic beverages of any strength for takeaway in any way, always from 22pm to 5am the following day.

The same ban on the sale of alcohol to take away is also the subject of a third ordinance for the area of ​​Largo La Foppa and Corso Garibaldi (in the stretch between La Foppa and Piazza XXV Aprile). In this case the ban is active, always from 22pm to 5am, on the nights between Friday and Saturday and between Saturday and Sunday, as well as on holidays and days before holidays.

The three ordinances are in continuity with the Protocol signed on 3 August last in the Prefecture of Milan "aimed at collaboration for the implementation of joint actions in favor of young people in the context of night entertainment in the 'Movida' areas for the prevention and combating anti-social behaviour".

Updated: 02/09/2021