Monumental. Sunday 2 April unveiling ceremony of the restoration of the tomb of the architect Carlo Maciachini

Monumental. Sunday the unveiling ceremony of the restoration of the tomb of the architect Carlo Maciachini

Milan, March 29 2022 – The public unveiling ceremony of the restoration of the tomb of the architect Carlo Maciachini, who designed the Monumental Cemetery, will be held on Sunday 2 April, at 11 am, in the presence of the councilor for civic services Gaia Romani and the Mayor of Induno Olona Marco Cavallin.

The restoration work, supervised by the Superintendency and sponsored by the Municipality of Milan, was promoted by the Amici del Monumentale Association with the contribution of the Community Foundation and the Municipality of Induno Olona, ​​where the architect was born on 2 April 1818. Carlo Maciachini designed a newsstand for himself and his family with a sober and essential style: the columbaria, located along the walls of the lower western galleries, are delimited by a wrought iron gate, embellished with acanthus leaves that form the arms of a cross, in turn flanked by the representation of some Solomon's knots. The names of the members of the Maciachini family are engraved on marble slabs, decorated with eight-pointed stars.

"Creating a place of rest that tells the collective memory of a city is a difficult undertaking – states councilor Gaia Romani – an ambitious and fascinating objective that the architect Maciachini, through his most impressive and important work, has fully achieved The Monumental is a special place that needs a lot of care and it is very nice that this is also born thanks to the push of the citizens and of an association that in the ten years of its activity has done a lot for this place. As an Administration we are truly grateful to the Friends of the Monumental and to President De Bernardi for the restoration work on the tomb of an illustrious citizen who gave so much to our city, carried out together with the Cemetery Management. An intervention which, I am sure, will give further value to the cultural, artistic and historical treasure that is the Monumental".

"With this restoration – adds President Carla De Bernardi – the Friends of the Monumental are celebrating their tenth anniversary and, in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan and the Superintendency, continue in their mission of protecting, promoting and valorising this extraordinary place, a treasure chest of historical and artistic memory of the city".

The architect Maciachini (1818-1899), born into a family of humble origins in Induno Olona, ​​obtained the commission for the construction of the Monumental Cemetery in 1863, where he designed several aedicules inside for the most prominent families of the time Milanese contemporaneity. Among the many, the Turati, Sonzogno, Calegari and Keller burials stand out. Of his interventions in the city of Milan, however, the facades of the churches of Santa Maria del Carmine, San Simpliciano and San Marco are remembered.

The ceremony will be preceded by a musical interlude by the Affori Band, which will perform at 10 am in the secret garden adjacent to the Conference Room.

Updated: 29/03/2023