Mobility. A call for tenders to identify private areas to be used for car parking

Mobility. A call for tenders to identify private areas to be used for car parking

Milan, May 5 2020 – The Municipality of Milan has published a tender to identify private areas immediately available and in strategic locations, because they are close to public transport hubs or sustainable mobility, including sharing, to be used for parking vehicles.

With phase 2 of the CoViD-19 emergency and the easing of confinement, the Administration has made available all available spaces in the interchange car parks, which yesterday hosted around a thousand vehicles out of 20.000 total spaces, i.e. the 5% of their capacity.

In consideration of the rules that require the necessary distancing on the public transport network and the consequent possible growth in demand for the use of private transport, the Municipality has decided to identify new ways to expand the offer of available parking spaces. A search was therefore started for open-air spaces in the urban area, already paved and already used or to be used temporarily for parking, such as railway yards.

"We must limit the number of passengers on the public transport network to guarantee a safe distance - declares Marco Granelli, Councilor for Mobility -. For this reason, citizens may need to resort more to the use of private vehicles. We are working to make it easier use sustainable means by expanding the cycle network and the zones 30 but we also take into account the need to use the car especially for those who do not live in the city. We believe it is important to increase parking spaces in strategic places for interchanges with subways, buses, tram, two-wheel sharing or walking".

The Administration is also working on some underutilized areas for example in Crescenzago, Pagano, Vigorelli.

Public notice for the identification of spaces and structures to be used as temporary parking

Updated: 05/05/2020