Mobility. Presented at Palazzo Marino Enjoy's new electric car sharing fleet

Mobility. Presented at Palazzo Marino Enjoy's new electric car sharing fleet

Milan, November 29 2022 – It was presented today at Palazzo Marino Enjoy's new fleet of electric cars, ENI's car sharing, with the introduction of the XEV YOYO city cars, always operational thanks to battery swapping, the replacement of the battery as an alternative to charging from charging stations.

There are currently 2.662 sharing cars in service in Milan, of which 1.062 are electric. From today the new Enjoys are added, which will increase to 200 at the end of December. Thanks to the agreement between ENI and Enjoy coverage area, without predefined pick-up or drop-off points. Furthermore, Enjoy takes care of the refueling: the XEV YOYO city cars allow customers to move in total freedom because they are always available with a battery charge of more than 2018%.

"We are always at the side of those who help us spread and support – commented Arianna Censi, Councilor for Mobility of the Municipality of Milan – an increasingly sustainable mobility. With these new cars ENI is deploying a new electric fleet which will increase the possibility for the Milanese, and for all those who visit our city, to move freely, without harmful emissions that affect the quality of the air we breathe every day".

"ENI is pleased that the Municipality of Milan, which welcomed the national debut of Enjoy car sharing exactly nine years ago, has accepted with equal enthusiasm the novelty of the electric implementation of the fleet – declared Giuseppe Ricci, General Director Energy Evolution of ENI – Car sharing contributes to making urban mobility more sustainable and improving the opportunities and ease of movement for citizens. In Turin, Bologna and Florence, the cities where these zero-CO emissions city cars have already been introduced2 on the road they have demonstrated their potential in the field of micromobility, allowing Enjoy customers to rent more frequently for shorter journeys."

Updated: 30/11/2022