Mobility. Car sharing is increasingly electric and integrated with the metropolitan area

Mobility. Car sharing is increasingly electric and integrated with the metropolitan area

New notice for operators in the sector. Granelli: “Strong push for environmental sustainability for a service that contributes to reducing traffic and improving air quality”

Milan, November 3 2019 – Milan is moving towards the future by focusing on sustainable and integrated mobility in the metropolitan area. The new public notice for operators interested in carrying out the car sharing service will be published in the coming weeks, making it from experimental to structural with some significant changes indicated in the guidelines just approved by the Council.

A way of getting around the city that has grown over time, which today can count on 6 active operators, over 3.300 cars in circulation, more than 1 million season tickets which grow by 16 thousand units every month and almost 17 thousand daily uses, contributing to the constant decrease in the rate of recorded motorization (minus 7% from 2013 to today, i.e. since the first appearance of the car sharing service, despite the increase in population).  
With the new Notice, the strong push towards models with higher performance in terms of environmental impact will lead first of all to a progressive and complete renewal of the fleets, which from January 2024st 23 can be implemented exclusively by electric vehicles (which today represent 100% of total). This is also done through an incentive policy relating to the monthly fees requested by the Administration charged to the service managers, the amount of which will remain 2022 euros, as is already the case currently, but which for non-electric vehicles will go to 120 euros from 2024 January 150 and from January XNUMXst XNUMX to XNUMX euros.

The second change made instead pushes towards a greater extension and integration of car sharing outside the territory of the Municipality of Milan in favor of the metropolitan area: the monthly fee will in fact be discounted up to a maximum of 30% for operators able to bring the service  also in the so-called second-tier municipalities, beyond the immediate borders of the capital.

“Milan is a city recognized at a national and international level in the pursuit and success of sustainable mobility – intervenes the councilor for Mobility Marco Granelli – and this Notice represents a further step forward in the path started for the first time in 2013. That of car sharing, a service conceived as complementary to public transport, is a positive experience that has contributed to the reduction of city traffic and the improvement of air quality, because the dedicated car fleet is able to guarantee better environmental performance and is entirely renovated at most every four years." 

“We have discussed several times with the operators – continues the councilor – and now we are making a service launched on an experimental basis structural following the guidelines of the PUMS, the urban plan for sustainable mobility, which pushes towards an ever-increasing use of electric and towards its diffusion also outside the city, with a view to integrated mobility".

Already today the Administration asks operators for almost total coverage of the Milanese town center (96%) and the possibility of using vehicles even outside the city, in first-tier municipalities. The new Notice intends to expand and encourage its range of use on a metropolitan scale, also reaching non-neighboring Municipalities, where specific agreements exist. 
For companies already operational, an extension of the service has been decided until 31 January 2020, beyond which they will have to participate in the new tender to continue providing it. 
Expressions of interest will be examined by the Commission in charge which will meet every month.

Updated: 03/11/2019