Mobility. 4,4 million from the Municipality for the reclamation necessary for the extension of tram 7 to the Adriano district

Mobility. 4,4 million from the Municipality for the reclamation necessary for the extension of tram 7 to the Adriano district

Councilor Censi: "Now a work long awaited by citizens can start again"

Milan, July 3 2022 – The Milan Council has approved the expenditure of 4.410.000 euros for the reclamation works necessary to continue the extension works of tram 7, from via Anassagora to the Adriano district.

In 2021, during the reclamation and safety works of the area, before the start of the intervention to extend the section, the presence of stones containing asbestos emerged, mixed and distributed in the covering ground of the former quarry, located near via Tremelloni.

From the analysis of the samples it emerged that the quantity of asbestos found did not allow for safety measures with the remediation authorization measure obtained previously and that it was necessary to develop a new technical-design proposal with a permanent permeable safety measure.

A more complex intervention, which required a new project, approved by the ATS, and with an increased cost compared to the original work.

For this reason it was necessary to approve additional funding for the new reclamation, bringing the total amount of the work to 7.820.000 euros.

"The works for the extension – explains the councilor for Mobility Arianna Censi – have partly continued in the meantime, but have suffered delays due to the discovery of a higher quantity of asbestos than expected. A cold shower for everyone, but for citizens and citizens we promised that we would make sure to find the funds and decide on the financing as soon as the budget was approved. Now the reclamation work can begin and subsequently a long-awaited extension from the Adriano district".

In the meantime, light rail 7 has also obtained 86,3 million in funding from the PNRR for three new routes, from Piazzale Bausan to Villapizzone, from Fulvio Testi to Niguarda and from Quartiere Adriano to Cascina Gobba.

Updated: 04/07/2022