Mobilità. Con i nuovi buoni taxi finanziato il 50% della corsa

Mobilità. Con i nuovi buoni taxi finanziato il 50% della corsa

I buoni destinati a cittadini in difficoltà economiche o motorie e disponibili fino al 30 giugno. Presto una carta prepagata per utilizzarli

Milan, February 23 2021 – Con il decreto “Milleproroghe” dello scorso 30 dicembre il Governo ha messo a disposizione dei Comuni che ne avevano fatto richiesta le risorse economiche per l’erogazione di buoni taxi a favore di categorie di cittadini ritenute meritevoli di particolare attenzione. Nei giorni scorsi la Giunta ha approvato la delibera per definirne l’utilizzo.

Approximately 3 million euros have been allocated to be converted into taxi and NCC vouchers (public rental cars with driver) that can be used until 30 June 2021; each voucher covers 50% of the cost of the single journey up to a maximum of 20 euros per journey.

"The taxi voucher tested by the Municipality of Milan in 2020 had growing success from August to December - declares the councilor for Mobility Marco Granelli -, for this reason we are happy to be able to quickly make it available to citizens and in these days we are reorganizing the disbursement methods also according to the new criteria defined by the Government decree. The taxi bonus has an important function in facilitating mobility, it is good to have new resources to finance it and increase its use".

The aims of the measure implemented respond to the need to deal with the health emergency and the critical issues deriving from the increase in traffic in environmental terms and passenger congestion on public transport lines; they then allow to support and enhance the use of an alternative form of transport to private vehicles, such as the taxi and rental service with driver, particularly affected by the crisis caused by the COVID-19 emergency.

The 2021 Taxi Bonus builds on the positive experience acquired by the Administration with the disbursement of the 2020 Taxi Bonus: over 40 taxi vouchers were used between 18 August and 15 January with numbers that progressively grew over the months.

The new Bonus Taxi has simpler delivery methods thanks to the use of a payment system such as a prepaid card or an app and to some adjustments on the entitled categories defined by the "Milleproroghe" decree.

Citizens residing in Milan with reduced physical mobility, with established pathologies, even temporary, even accompanied, fall into the categories that will be able to benefit from the Bonus Taxi 2021; people suffering from confirmed pathologies that make them more vulnerable and for which exposure to contact with others is not recommended and people subject to life-saving therapies. People belonging to households more exposed to the economic effects deriving from the epidemiological emergency can also benefit from the bonus, for example where one of the components carries out work activities belonging to ATECO codes subject to limitations on the containment of the spread of the virus. In addition, all citizens in need, with an ISEE equal to or less than 28.000 euros and people who are unemployed or on layoffs.


Updated: 04/03/2021