Mobility. Taxi voucher, the number of beneficiaries has expanded and the reimbursement of the cost of the ride has increased

Mobility. Taxi voucher, the number of beneficiaries has expanded and the reimbursement of the cost of the ride has increased

Councilor Censi: "A useful service that we aim to encourage. We hope that the Government will extend the deadline"

Milan, 12 December 2021 — Expand the range of beneficiaries and reimburse the maximum amount allowed on the cost of the ride: this is the decision taken by the Council on taxi travel vouchers, which came into force last May, approving the resolution that modifies the guidelines for the granting of tariff concessions of the taxi service and rental with driver.

From Monday 13th to 31st December, the travel vouchers, which can be used on taxis and NCC vehicles (public rental cars with driver) participating in the initiative, will reimburse the maximum amount foreseen for the single trip, up to 20 euros per trip, and up to 200 total euros per person.

To date, citizens residing in Milan with reduced physical mobility, with confirmed pathologies, even temporary ones, people suffering from confirmed pathologies and people subject to life-saving therapies have been able to benefit from this opportunity. In addition to people belonging to families more exposed to the economic effects deriving from the epidemiological emergency, for example where one of the members carries out work activities belonging to ATECO codes subject to limitations on the containment of the spread of the virus and all citizens in a state of need, with an ISEE equal to or less than 28.000 euros and people who are unemployed or on redundancy pay.

Now, implementing a possibility offered by the Government, pregnant women, people aged 65 and over, and people suffering from illnesses requiring continuous care are added to this list. Another novelty is that now, for everyone, the benefit is valid even if accompanied.
The system, entrusted to Telepass, requires the citizen benefiting from the service to be in possession of the health card or tax code number, and for taxis to have downloaded an app.
For those who have already registered on the Municipality's platform, the new option will start automatically, for new users it will be necessary to pre-register for the service through the platform available at, releasing their personal data and self-certifying their belonging to one of the categories benefiting from the benefit.

You will then receive an activation confirmation and when you want to use the benefit you will simply need to show your health card to the taxi driver, who, thanks to the app already downloaded on your mobile phone, will enter the user's tax code for verification and at the end of the ride will enter the cost of the fare. voyage.
At the moment there are almost 3.000 participating taxis and over 5000 beneficiaries who have made over 36.000 trips, benefiting overall from travel vouchers worth around 315.000 euros.

"We have chosen to extend the possibility of using this service to more people and bring the reimbursement to the maximum established by law - explained Arianna Censi, councilor for Mobility - to encourage the use of a measure that allows people to move better, especially for more fragile categories, using and enhancing taxis, a complementary service to local public transport. We have already scheduled a meeting with representatives of taxi drivers to discuss with them and promote participation in the initiative of the terms so that this useful service can continue in 2022".

"The distance, combined with the risks due to the pandemic emergency - adds the councilor for civic services Gaia Romani - can constitute an obstacle for many people who need to reach essential services, including the offices of the registry office or town halls. In in this way we offer the elderly, frail and pregnant women the possibility of reaching them in a safer and easier way. It can even be used to say goodbye to loved ones at the cemetery, a difficulty that many citizens have reported to me to the appeal of my colleague Censi, hoping that the service will be extended throughout the next year".

Updated: 16/12/2021