Mobility. New sidewalk, two-way traffic and traffic lights: the redevelopment of via Cialdini

Mobility. New sidewalk, two-way traffic and traffic lights: the redevelopment of via Cialdini

Milan, September 11 2019 - The redevelopment works on via Cialdini (Affori) are being concluded and from Thursday the road in the stretch between via don Grioli and via Grazioli will become two-way. From October, a new traffic light will come into operation at the completely redesigned intersection between Via Pellegrino Rossi and Don Grioli: initially it will be set to yellow, to allow the already existing cycle path to be used with greater safety and continuity.

Among the redevelopment interventions that were carried out were also the creation of pavements, the marking of blue parking stalls, the creation of noses to protect pedestrians and the modification of the traffic lights between Via Grazioli and Don Grioli due to the introduction of two-way traffic. of march.

The works were carried out following the redevelopment of the Esselunga in via Pellegrino Rossi, thanks to a deduction of urbanization costs, and the widening of the roadway in via Cialdini which allowed the transition from one-way to two-way traffic.

"Our commitment continues in the redevelopment of urban neighborhood streets - declares Marco Granelli, councilor for mobility and public works - to give greater safety to pedestrians and cyclists without neglecting the fluidity of traffic flows".

Updated: 12/09/2019