Milan participates. The consultation on the Code of Conduct for workers of the Municipality of Milan is underway

Milan participates. The consultation on the Code of Conduct for workers of the Municipality of Milan is underway

Lipparini and Tajani: "Until April 20th we will collect observations from employees and the Milanese community"

Milan, 6 April 2021 - From today to Tuesday 20 April on the Milan platform. Join the link it will be possible to submit observations to the Code of Conduct of the Municipality of Milan in its renewed text approved at the end of February by the municipal council.

The Code of Conduct reports and describes the duties of conduct of the workers of the Municipality of Milan, as well as of collaborators, consultants and holders of a professional employment relationship with the Municipality of Milan and of those who collaborate in any capacity with supplier companies of goods or services and who carry out works in favor of the Administration.

“The law - explain the councilors Lorenzo Lipparini (Participation and Active Citizenship) and Cristina Tajani (Human Resources) - requires that the adoption of this Code be achieved through a procedure open to participation. For this reason we have chosen to open participation not only to workers of the Municipality but to the entire Milanese community using our Milano Partecipa platform which can be accessed using our Milano Partecipa platform, which constitutes the new single access point for all the Municipality's consultations and which can be accessed using the SPID' identifier.

For the purpose of ensuring the quality of services, the prevention of corruption, compliance with the constitutional duties of diligence, loyalty, impartiality and exclusive service to the care of the public interest, with Presidential Decree no. 62 of 16 April 2013, the Code of Conduct for public employees was issued which constitutes the general reference for all Public Administrations.

The adoption of the Code of Conduct by employees represents one of the main actions and is aimed at implementing the strategies for the prevention of corruption: the preparation of the Code therefore constitutes an essential element of the three-year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption.

Among the particularities of the text there is a specific section dedicated to the duties of managers, articulated in relation to the functions assigned, and in any case it provides for all public employees to be prohibited from asking for or accepting, for any reason, compensation, gifts or other benefits, in connection with the performance of their functions or tasks entrusted, without prejudice to customary gifts, provided they are of modest value and within the limits of normal courtesy relations.

The violation of the duties established by the code, as well as of the duties established by the Corruption Prevention and Transparency Plan, in addition to constituting a disciplinary offence, entails possible criminal, civil or administrative liability.

Each public administration must adopt its own code of conduct with which to integrate the general one, in relation to its specific responsibilities and functions and so did the Municipality of Milan.

In the new Code of Conduct, the outline of which was approved by the City Council, the aspects concerning conflicts of interest and the duties of abstention are regulated in particular; innovations are introduced in the field of agile working. To deepen the knowledge of the new text, during the consultation and in relation to the previous one, a comparative table has been made available.


Updated: 06/04/2021