Milan is Memory. Piazza Fontana, the initiatives for the fiftieth anniversary of the massacre

Milan is Memory. Piazza Fontana, the initiatives for the fiftieth anniversary of the massacre

More than a week of events in memory of December 12, 1969, the victims and the civil recovery that followed the attack. Mayor Giuseppe Sala: "Remembering is a duty for Milan. Thanks to President Mattarella who will join the city, so as not to forget"

Milan, 3 December 2019 - The extraordinary municipal council, on 12 December, in the presence of the President of the Republic, the laying of tiles in Piazza Fontana with the names of the 17 victims of the massacre, the planting by the mayor Giuseppe Sala of a tree in memory of Giuseppe Pinelli in near the house of the anarchist railway worker.

E ancora, oltre al tradizionale corteo da piazza della Scala a piazza Fontana il 12 pomeriggio, l’apertura di Palazzo Marino il 15 dicembre, giorno dei funerali, per l’esposizione di una mostra curata dal Dipartimento di Studi Storici dell'Università Statale di Milano arricchita dalle fotografie storiche di Ugo Mulas scattate in occasione dei funerali delle vittime. Poi testimonianze, proiezioni di documentari e performance teatrali.

These are the main events on the schedule curated by the Municipality's "Milano è Memoria" platform on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Piazza Fontana massacre.

For the occasion, on the screens in the city, the announcements of the Municipality of Milan will be replaced with the memory of the attack, while in libraries and schools postcards will be distributed with the biographies of the victims reconstructed in the work of the 5th AS class of the high school " Galileo Galilei” of Voghera, accompanied by the writer and scholar Benedetta Tobagi.

Particular attention was paid to the initiatives of 15 December, the day of the funeral, which represented the emotional, civil and democratic response of Milan and the country to violence and abuse.

"La strage di piazza Fontana ha segnato in modo indelebile la storia di Milano e del nostro Paese - ha commentato il Sindaco Giuseppe Sala -. Ricordare le vittime di quel terribile attentato e fare memoria di quei giorni del 1969 è un dovere morale per Milano, una città che trova nell'antifascismo, nella difesa della libertà, nella tutela dei diritti civili e democratici i propri valori. La presenza del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella alla seduta straordinaria del Consiglio comunale del 12 dicembre rappresenterà un momento di riflessione profonda, condivisa e partecipata, fondamentale per non dimenticare ciò che accadde 50 anni fa. Grazie al palinsesto di 'Milano è memoria', Palazzo Marino e l'intera città abbracceranno nuovamente le famiglie di chi ha perso la vita in quella tremenda strage attraverso eventi e incontri dedicati e aperti a tutti, a cominciare dai più giovani, perché senza memoria non c'è futuro".

The program was curated and created with the Department of Historical Studies of the State University of Milan, the ISEC, the House of Memory, the Citadel of Archives, the Ugo Mulas Archive, Benedetta Tobagi and the 5th AS class of the high school “Galileo Galilei” of Voghera, the Association Giocale Storie per MEMOMI, the Teatro della Cooperativa, the Varalli and Zibecchi Association and the Don't forget me Committee.

9th December
At 15 pm, in Piazza Fontana, inauguration of the panels with the names of the victims. Deputy mayor Anna Scavuzzo will participate.
11th December
At 16 pm, in Piazzale Segesta, a tree will be planted in memory of Giuseppe Pinelli. Mayor Giuseppe Sala will participate.
12th December
At 14 pm Extraordinary municipal council in the presence of the President of the Republic.
At 15pm procession from Piazza della Scala to Piazza Fontana. The president of the municipal council Lamberto Bertolé participates.
15th December
Palazzo Marino - "15 dicembre 1969: Dopo piazza Fontana - 50 anni dai funerali, il dolore e la forza"
At 11:00, inauguration of the exhibition "Pain and strength" curated by the Municipality of Milan (Mayor's Cabinet) and the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Milan, in collaboration with the Association of the victims of Piazza Fontana, of the ISEC, of ​​the Ugo Mulas Archive, of the Citadel of Archives, of the Super - Higher School of Applied Arts and of Timor & Sanz.
At 11am "Testimonies from a day of civil reaction". Coordinator: Benedetta Tobagi. Introduced by: Lamberto Bertolé. Speakers: Sandro Antoniazzi, Gianni Cervetti, Marco Cuzzi, Carlo Lucarelli, Antonio Pizzinato, Alessandro Pollio Salimbeni, Carlo Tognoli. Photographic testimony from the Garghetti Archive.
At 14pm audio performance “Postcards from Milan” curated by José Bagnarelli.
At 14pm screening of the documentary "Piazza Fontana. The funerals that saved democracy". A project created by the "Chiamale storie" Association, for MEMOMI and 45D Produzioni. Texts by Didi Gnocchi and Anna Migotto, with the collaboration of Antonio Castaldo and Ranuccio Sodi. Directed by Michele Mally, with the participation of Gioele Dix.
At 16 pm screening of the documentary “PINO Accidental life of an anarchist” edited by Claudia Cipriani and Niccolò Volpati. Written by: Claudia Cipriani, Claudia Pinelli, Silvia Pinelli, Niccolò Volpati. Director: Claudia Cipriani.
At 17pm "Who was it? Performance in memory of the victims of the strategy of tension", conceived by Ferruccio Ascari and produced by the "Don't forget me" Committee.
The complete calendar with the details of all the events, from 5 to 15 December, on the Milano è Memoria platform website:

The complete program


Updated: 13/12/2019