Milan is memory. A street named after the 1933 footballers in Sempione park

Milan is memory. A street named after the 1933 footballers in Sempione park

Mayor Sala: "With their team and their courage they made Milan unique, a totem will tell their story" - Photo gallery

Milan, June 12 2021 – In 1933 the GFC (Gruppo Femminile Calcio) was born in Milan, the first women's football team in Italy: thirteen formidable girls determined to challenge the fascist regime in order to play football.

In those years, women were not allowed to practice sports and activities that were not feminine, so much so that newspapers, even sports ones, were quick to comment that "fascist Italy needed good mothers and not virago footballers". The youngsters of the GFC, however, were not afraid and continued to train until they played the historic but also last match, on 11 June 1933. After the match the team was disbanded, but they remained in the history of Milan and Italy.
This morning the Municipality of Milan, on the anniversary of the famous match, named a street inside Sempione Park, behind the Civic Arena (Via Legnano side) after the 1933 female footballers and placed a totem to remember their history. The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala, the city councilor Anita Pirovano, promoter of the initiative in the city council, Elisabet Spina of Milan Academy, Ilaria Pasqui (Head of the FC International Women's Sector), and the families of the formidable girls unveiled a totem with the story of the intrepid young girls.

Also present at the ceremony were Corriere della Sera journalist Federica Seneghini, author of the book "Giovinette. The footballers who challenged the Duce" and Marco Giani who edited the essay contained in the publication.
"Today – said the Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala – is truly an extraordinary day for Milan. These young girls in love with football showed courage and determination in not giving up on a life crushed by the regime. After them there were the partisan relays and many others women who, even at the cost of their lives, contributed to building a future of freedom for everyone. I am proud of these young girls who we remember today and who rightfully enter, with their team, into the football myth of our city".

The green area, named after the Municipality, is located between Via Legnano, Comizi di Lyon and Legione Lombardia, and is not far from the Civic Arena where in their time Ambrosiana Inter took the field, of which many of them were fans.

Although the rule was imposed on them not to show themselves to the public and to play only with "moderation and for pleasure", the curiosity and participation of the people in the first game was not lacking. Which is why perhaps many rushed to put an end to their experience of loved and played football and their desire for freedom.

«I love the game of football very much, my love is tenacious, not a flash in the pan. My teammates have a lot of passion and good will: we will never fade."
Rosetta Boccalini ATTACKER, 1933

Updated: 14/06/2021