Milan is memory. 75th anniversary of the Liberation, Saturday 25 April celebration in Palazzo Marino with the Mayor

Milan is memory. 75th anniversary of the Liberation, Saturday 25 April celebration in Palazzo Marino with the Mayor

The event will be live on Facebook, journalists will be accredited by 13pm on Friday

Milan, 23 April 2020 – The Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala will participate in the institutional celebration of April 25th, the 75th anniversary of the Liberation, which will be held on Saturday in Palazzo Marino at 12.

It will be possible to follow the event live on the Facebook page of the Municipality of Milan.

Journalists wishing to cover the celebration a Palazzo Marino they must show up at 11 am and comply with the following procedures:

  • participation of only one journalist per newspaper;
  • respect for the safety distance of at least one meter;
  • use of the mask.

To facilitate everyone's work, journalists are asked to register (reporting name, surname and mobile number) no later than 13pm on Friday 24 April by writing to comunication.

Milan is memory: Liberation Day

Updated: 24/04/2020