Milan Digital Week. District registry map and Open budget: two digital tools for citizens

Milan Digital Week. District registry map and Open budget: two digital tools for citizens

Councilors Lipparini and Tasca: "Innovation and transparency to directly access and know the city's data, numbers and accounts"

Milan, March 20 2021 - From statistics notebooks with all the data regarding the population resident in Milan to an advanced graphic visualization of the same data on an interactive map. From the numbers of the municipal budget, the most important document of a city's administration, to the Open Budget which allows citizens an "easier" reading of their municipality's accounts. These are the two digital innovations of the Municipality of Milan that were discussed during the Milan Digital Week in the meeting dedicated to "Data and People 2021. The importance of open data culture". Councilors Lorenzo Lipparini (Participation, Active Citizenship and Open Data) and Roberto Tasca (Budget) attended the meeting.

"The Neighborhood Map and Open Budget - say the councilors - are just two of the special projects created with the open data of the Municipality of Milan to put people and knowledge at the centre, improve participation, administrative action, public debate and transparency. Thanks to visualization tools it is possible to allow citizens increasingly direct access to data, allowing everyone to better understand the city and its evolution over time. We are certain that these new digital information tools will bring our fellow citizens closer to 'activities of the Municipality'.

In the map published to this link it will be possible to view the division of the city into Municipalities and neighborhoods by querying it on the distribution of the population on a demographic basis. How many older people live in a given neighborhood and how many young people? The criteria used to construct the map are temporal (resident population from 1999 to 31 December 2020) and geographical (with reference to 88 NILs, i.e. local identity nuclei). By consulting it it will therefore be possible to compare 88 different neighborhoods in the city by reading the growth or decline of residents over time.

Likewise for the Open Budget: by connecting to the link you can access this innovative tool which illustrates the Municipality's budget in a simple and effective way through infographics.

Updated: 20/03/2021