Milan Digital Week. The municipality of Milan presents the model for analyzing the benefits of digital

Milan Digital Week. The municipality of Milan presents the model for analyzing the benefits of digital

From today available for the Public Administration. Councilor Cocco: "Here is the fruit of the work undertaken since 2016 to monitor the impact of the innovations produced in the Public Administration"
Milan, March 18 2021 - A certified model that makes the benefits obtainable from digital tangible for citizens and in the Public Administration. 
It is the "Benefits analysis model", presented today during the event "Fair and Sustainable Cities: the digital response of Italian municipalities in the year of Covid 19", organized by the Department of Digital Transformation and Civic Services in collaboration with Anci within the Milan Digital Week. The event saw the participation of numerous local administrations who discussed the issues of innovation and digital transformation and the strategies implemented to respond effectively to the health emergency. 
The model proposed by the Municipality of Milan was illustrated by councilor Roberta Cocco (Digital Transformation and Civic Services) to the other representatives of local authorities and from today it is available free of charge for all PAs on an open source platform. 
“We worked for a long time to arrive at the definition of this model, which would make the result of our Digital Transformation Plan launched in 2016 tangible and concrete – comments Roberta Cocco -. Now, thanks to the summary indicators, we will be able to quantify the impact of the innovations produced in the Public Administration, thus evaluating the social, economic and environmental benefits actually obtained by both the local authority and the citizens. Thanks to this model we will be able to improve the level of service offered to citizens, make the work of the Public Administration more efficient and ensure the future sustainability of all digital services offered to citizens". 
The model is divided into three steps: identification of activities impacted by digital and data collection, comparison of analogue and digital processes and calculation of benefits. 
The benefits obtained are summarized in six indicators, three of which refer to the Public Administration and three to the citizen, to show the dual effect of digitalisation in terms of making the organizational structure of local authorities more efficient and improving the level of service offered to the citizen.
The three indicators for municipalities are: time savings, efficient allocation of resources, paper consumption, while for citizens they translate into time savings, cost savings and reduction of Co2 emissions. 
The application of the model to the digital services of the Municipality of Milan has already produced the first results: the registry certificates available online have allowed Milanese citizens to save, in one year, an hour of travel to the counter, which translated into 49 tons of Co2 not emitted and therefore 3266 trees saved (which otherwise would have had to reabsorb these emissions). 
The model, which has obtained Rina certification, is already in use in the Information Systems Directorate of the Municipality of Milan but the objective is to disseminate it to all departments to thus automate the calculation of benefits and make it a tool always available to the Administration for the evaluation of the innovation initiatives to be undertaken.

To this link The model is available in open source.

While on the following link all the initiatives of the Municipalities present at the event to respond to the ongoing health emergency are available.

Updated: 18/03/2021