Lorenteggio-Giambellino. Alberi, marciapiedi e ciclabili: al via la rigenerazione del quartiere

Lorenteggio-Giambellino. Alberi, marciapiedi e ciclabili: al via la rigenerazione del quartiere

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Milan, 20 April 2021 – Un quartiere molto più verde, vivibile, collegato e inclusivo. Entrerà nel vivo a partire dalle prossime settimane il grande progetto di riqualificazione del quadrilatero tra via Lorenteggio, largo Gelsomini, via Giambellino e piazza Tirana previsto dal Comune con il Piano Quartieri e dall’Accordo di Programma Lorenteggio, che vede il Comune con Regione Lombardia e Aler collaborare per rigenerare il quartiere dal punto di vista urbanistico e sociale e che comprende la sistemazione superficiale dell’area oggi oggetto del cantiere per la stazione M4 Segneri.

In the coming days, the works that will redesign the town between via Lorenteggio and via Giambellino will start through the creation of a new green system, the expansion of the pedestrian areas and the enhancement of the public space, in synergy with the regeneration interventions of the building heritage public and the creation of new spaces for culture and social aggregation.

It starts with via Recoaro with the insertion of green pools and new trees. In a second phase, starting from September/October 2021, the works will move to via dei Sanniti: here too the sidewalks will be redone, trees planted and the green areas expanded. Then between autumn and winter 2021 we will proceed with the redesign of the spaces in via Segneri.

Throughout via Segneri, in the area now free and in the one occupied by the M4 construction site, a new linear urban park will be created featuring green spaces, trees and benches, and cycle-pedestrian mobility alongside the car. From the second half of 2022 to the beginning of 2024, the reconfiguration of the spaces will concern via degli Apuli, via Odazio and via Manzano, where, in addition to the renovation of the sidewalks, cycle paths will be created and new trees will be planted. The area in front of the future library in via Odazio will be built at ground level to create visual and usability continuity with the new cultural center which will be built starting from mid-2022 with the complete makeover of the current library. The floors will be made with Luserna stone slabs, in the Milanese tradition, providing for the improvement of pedestrian paths with particular attention to safe crossings.

Via Giambellino, in the stretch between Piazza Tirana and Largo dei Gelsomini, will also be much greener and tidier in a few days. In fact, the intervention that in recent months has seen the redevelopment of the pedestrian paths and the central parterre characterized by the passage of the tramway is nearing completion. Trees, new flooring and the removal of architectural barriers have changed the face of the street, restoring its natural vocation for aggregation. The redevelopment works of Largo Giambellino will also be completed by May, with an increase in greenery and trees, the construction of a new playground, a new dog area and a workout area with basketball hoop; next year in via Giambellino 129, near the parish church where reclamation works are now underway, a new cultural park of 27 square meters will be created, focused on the relationship between man and nature in an urban area as envisaged by the European project Clever cities.

Make way for mobility on two wheels: at the same time as the redevelopment, a route will be created which, from the footbridge that crosses the railway and the Naviglio in S. Cristoforo, between the Ronchetto sul Naviglio district and Piazza Tirana, will continue in Segneri-Sanniti-Apuli-Odazio- off Jasmine. In May, work will begin on the cycle path in via Primaticcio which will connect to the itinerary of the Roman Legions-Caterina from Forlì-Sardinia and subsequently the construction sites will start for the cycle path which from largo Gelsomini along via Vespri Siciliani and piazza Napoli will reconnect to the existing itinerary that reaches Parco Solari, S. Agostino and S. Ambrogio.

The realization of these interventions requires the temporary relocation of the weekly market present today in via Segneri and via Odazio. From 20th April the operations will begin which will allow the market to be moved entirely to Largo Gelsomini, Largo Giambellino and Via dei Tulipani, starting from 20th May.

“La nuova sistemazione – spiega l’assessora alle Attività produttive e Commercio Cristina Tajani - consentirà di ricollocare tutti i 165 operatori, tra cui 71 alimentari e 89 non alimentari, in un’unica sede. La migliore dislocazione dei banchi consentirà di rendere più omogeneo lo svolgimento delle normali attività di vendita e di migliorare anche la fruizione del mercato da parte dei cittadini. Una riorganizzazione che si pone in un’ottica di prosecuzione, rilancio e riqualificazione dei mercati settimanali scoperti della città anche in seguito a grandi interventi che interesseranno il quartiere Lorenteggio”.

Some adjustments to the subservices are also envisaged, also aimed at strengthening district heating. In particular, between the end of May and the end of August, we will work with mobile construction sites, some only at night to reduce inconvenience, in some parts of via Sanniti, via Giambellino, via Gonin, piazza Tirana and via Segneri. The intervention on the electricity grid in via Giambellino will be carried out at night and is essential not only for the neighborhood but in anticipation of the provision of 70 columns for electric recharging of the ATM depot for the electrified fleet of public transport. This will make it possible to eliminate an initial diesel deposit, improving the air quality of the neighbourhood.

“All these interventions will return a more beautiful, greener neighborhood, with more quality spaces for citizens, a subway and a cycle path that will better connect the neighborhood with the whole city – declare the councilors Marco Granelli (Mobility) and Pierfrancesco Maran ( Town planning) –. Together with Ronchetto and S. Cristoforo this new area will be the new southwest gate of Milan. We are aware that the construction sites will bring some inconvenience but at the end of this process the Lorenteggio-Giambellino quadrilateral will be radically renovated".

To contain the inconvenience associated with construction sites, a specific plan has been drawn up to obtain parking spaces for residents' vehicles: between the end of April and the beginning of May, about 60 new temporary parking stalls will be built and mapped out in via Segneri, Samnites, Apulians and Odazio. The spaces that will be occupied by the market in Largo dei Gelsomini on Thursday will instead be recovered in the areas freed up from the market in via Odazio and via Segneri.

Work in progress also with regard to the public building stock with the Program Agreement between the Lombardy Region, the Municipality of Milan and ALER: after the demolition of via Lorenteggio 181, the buildings in via Manzano 4 were emptied in recent weeks, in so that they are also ready for demolition. By 2025, with the contribution of the Municipality of Milan for the emptying of the buildings and the relocation of the families, the buildings of Lorenteggio 179, Odazio 8, Giambellino 150 and Segneri 3 will also be demolished and rebuilt.

“In recent years – comments the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti – the Municipality has focused a lot on the regeneration of the Lorenteggio-Giambellino. A team effort that has involved several departments with the aim of redeveloping a historic and popular district of our city. A redevelopment that inevitably also involves investments in public housing stock, because the redemption of a place and of the people who live there can only start from the house".

The Municipality of Milan, Municipio 6 and the District Contract will constantly inform citizens of the various phases of the works.

Updated: 21/04/2021