Leonardo 500. Winners of the school competition awarded

Leonardo 500. Winners of the school competition awarded

During the ceremony a Palazzo Marino each winner received a notebook courtesy of Lenovo
Milan, July 2 2020 - They are the Colletta nursery school with the “Noi come Leonardo” project, the Casa dei bambini non-profit Montessori primary school with the “Leonardo among us” project, the Toscanini lower secondary school with the “In flight in the cloud of Leonardo" and the Gaetana Agnesi State High School of Human Sciences with the eBook project "Leonardo and the cathedral of Milan", the four winners of the competition "With the flights of the mind Leonardo returns to school", organized by the Department of Education of the Municipality of Milan, by the 1st Air Region Command of the Air Force, in collaboration with the Lombardy School Office - AT of Milan, as part of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci.
Over 6 thousand children and young people were involved in the challenge, presenting 31 projects, one for each school, which were voted by citizens and evaluated by a commission of experts made up of representatives of the institutions involved, but also of teachers from the pedagogy faculties of the universities Cattolica and Bicocca.
The expressive freedom in imagining the product was maximum: it was in fact possible to present textual works, photographic projects, video projects, short films, graphic and artistic works of various kinds such as drawing, painting, sculpture and collage, musical/audio projects, models, elaborate technicians of products, machines and architectural projects, software and websites.
The four winners were awarded this afternoon in the main courtyard of Palazzo Marino, in the presence of the Director of the Regional School Office Marco Bussetti, the Lieutenant Colonel of the Air Force Roberto Rossi and the Education Councilor Laura Galimberti who gave each of them a Thinkpad notebook offered by Lenovo. It was not possible, due to the restrictions due to the Coronavirus, to deliver the prizes offered by the Air Force (a guided tour of an aeronautics department for the little ones and a two-week aeronautical culture course with a flight of setting on a propeller aircraft for the older ones), which however can be collected as soon as the epidemiological situation allows it.
“The Competition – declares Councilor Galimberti – has accompanied the students of Milanese schools in this complicated year, offering an opportunity to rediscover Leonardo's genius 500 years after his death, updating it and adapting his innovations to the present time. We are also happy to have involved the city, which was able to vote on the projects and help elect the winners. Being able to access online, from home, children's work that normally only remains in classrooms responds to the logic of open schools that we particularly care about."
“When we learned of the initiative of the Municipality of Milan and the Air Force to create a competition linked to the five hundredth anniversary of Leonardo's death, we immediately joined with enthusiasm - adds Natasha Perfetti, Lenovo Country Marketing Manager for Italy -. Lenovo has always been attentive to school issues, as demonstrated by our consolidated presence as No. 1 in the education sector in Italy, and we are convinced that technology - today more than ever - allows students to get to the heart of subjects and develop your own creativity. It is therefore with great pleasure that we congratulate the four institutions that won the competition."

Updated: 02/07/2020