Leonardo 500. The presentation of the projects created by the schools will start on February 3rd

Leonardo 500. The presentation of the projects created by the schools will start on February 3rd

The works can be viewed and voted by citizens on the dedicated platform 

Milan, January 15 2020 - The operational phase of registration on the platform and uploading of the educational projects created by the students of the Milanese institutes who decide to participate in the competition "With the flights of the mind Leonardo returns to school", organized by the Education Department of the Municipality of Milan, by the 3st Air Region Command of the Air Force, in collaboration with the Lombardy School Office - AT of Milan, as part of the celebrations for the 1th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci. 
From February 3rd, in fact, until the 28th of the month (it is possible to register until the last available day) the children and young people of over 500 institutions of all levels, starting from nursery schools, will have the task of creating a product that, in relation to its age, represents Leonardo's genius.

Each school can compete with an educational project for each school level present in its institution, creating and uploading it to the platform. http://concorsoscuoleleonardo.comune.milano.it/ a project on the themes of flight, water, science or art. Classes will also be able to choose to compete with an already completed project that fits in with one of the proposed themes, as long as it is unpublished.

The evaluation will take place on two levels: citizens will be able to vote for their favorite project from 9 March to 6 April by registering on the site and, subsequently, a commission of experts will assign their own score which will increase the number of votes obtained online. The winners will be announced and awarded during a ceremony in June. The expressive freedom in imagining the product that will compete is maximum: it is in fact possible to present textual works, photographic projects, video/short film projects, graphic and artistic works of various kinds such as drawing, painting, sculpture and collage, musical/audiophonic projects, plastic models , technical drawings of products, machines and architectural projects, software and websites. The important thing is that the ideas can be documented through digital attachments (videos, images, text documents, links). 

Updated: 15/01/2020