Work. Tajani: “The Municipality is carefully following the situation of the Auchan workers”

Work. Tajani: “The municipality is carefully following the situation of the Auchan workers”

Milan, October 30 2019 – “I want to express, as a citizen and representative of the Milanese administration, my closeness and attention to the situation of Auchan workers, a reality recently acquired by the Consortium of retail cooperatives Conad. A human capital which, to date, has not received any response to its requests from the new ownership, both on the possible relaunch plan of the entire network of sales points and on its employment future which in the Milan area alone involves over 800 male and female workers". 

Thus the councilor for Labor Policies, Productive Activities and Commerce of the Municipality of Milan Cristina Tajani, expressing her closeness to the demonstration of Auchan workers underway in front of the Prefecture offices in Corso Monforte.

“We are ready, as an Administration – concludes Tajani – to support the work of the Prefect Renato Saccone in bringing to the attention of the national institutions, and in particular of the Ministry of Economic Development, the requests of the workers involved so that they can be identified, with the new ownership , possible synergies to protect workers and the future of a distribution reality that has marked the development of the Milanese and Lombardy areas".


Updated: 02/11/2019