Work. International creativity finds itself as the basis for IF! Italians Festival

Work. International creativity finds itself as the basis for IF! Italians Festival

Tajani: “An important opportunity for the many young people who want to build their professional future in the world of creativity”

Milan, October 30 2019 – The world of creativity and international communication is in Milan for IF! Italians Festival, the event dedicated to creativity organized and promoted by ADCI - Art Directors Club Italiano and ASSOCOM in partnership with Google and with the patronage of the Municipality of Milan, which will take place in Base from 7 to 9 November.

To illustrate the rich program of the sixth edition of IF!, the councilor for Labor Policies, Productive Activities, Commerce, Fashion and Design Cristina Tajani with Alessandra Lanza, General Director of IF! Italians Festival - Marianna Ghirlanda, CEO DLV BBDO, Paola Marazzini, Director Agency and Strategic Partnerships of Google - Vicky Gitto, President ADCI.

“The two days of IF! Italians Festival, rightfully ranks among the city's main events with the world of creativity and innovation, on a par with established entities such as fashion or design - comments councilor Tajani -. A festival which, year after year, has been able to establish itself as a true opportunity for meeting and discussion, nationally and internationally, for the many operators in the world of advertising and creativity. An event that has become above all an unmissable opportunity for the many young people who want to approach the world of communication and build their professional future in this sector".

The underlying theme of IF! This year's Italians Festival, #MetteteviScomodi, will be analyzed and explored in three thematic paths: courageous choices, changes of perspective and (dis)intermediation in a two-day event that will involve the public with interviews, meetings, workshops, insights and talks together with many exceptional guests.

The host and writer Matteo Caccia, co-founder of brandstories, will tell her about the "courageous choices" and will focus on the relationship between vulnerability and courage; Luca Vergano, VP, Strategist of Elephant NY, who will present discomfort as a winning strategy; the advertising artist Erik Kessels, who will explain the key role of nonsense in capturing attention; the psychoanalyst Massimo Recalcati who, thanks to the media partner Youmark, will analyze the relationship between desire, rules and creativity.

The need to "change perspective" is the basis of powerful and effective communication and will constitute the soul of the second path. This need will be given voice by Stefania Romenti – Ph. D, Professor of Strategic communication at the IULM University of Milan and Adjunct Professor at the IE Business School in Madrid – who will focus on corporate communication and Roya Zeitoune, YouTube Culture & Trends Lead EMEA, which will underline the crucial role of YouTube in the birth of today's communication trends. TikTok's social entertainment will be the protagonist of an in-depth analysis by Wavemaker and, together with the new teenagers and their language, of a meeting with the General Manager of Tweenkle Alessandro Innocenti, while the Nextatlas researcher Elena Marinoni will review the related trends at the Generation Z.

Enrico Mentana, Roberto Bagatti and Linus talk about "(dis)intermediation" during the third route of the Festival. A journey which will see the journalist Enrico Mentana explain in a masterclass moderated by Ludovica Federighi (Head of FUSE-Omnicom Media Group) how he has remained, without giving up experimentation with new paths and languages, a point of reference for the narration of politics and Italian costume; the famous Radio Deejay speaker will take on the role of the interviewee for the format "10 uncomfortable questions to..." moderated by Davide Boscacci of the IF Organizing Committee.


All information on the event is available on 


Updated: 30/10/2019