Work. The pre-agreement of the supplementary decentralized contract for over 4.5 million euros has been signed

Work. The pre-agreement of the supplementary decentralized contract for over 4.5 million euros has been signed

Tajani: “All municipal employees are guaranteed the opportunity to best express their potential, abilities and skills”

Milan, 26 December 2019 – Dopo 17 anni un nuovo accordo garantisce migliori servizi per la città, crescita economica e diritti per i dipendenti dell’Amministrazione. È stato firmato a Palazzo Marino il nuovo Contratto collettivo decentrato integrativo per gli oltre 14 mila dipendenti del Comune di Milano.
The delegation of representatives of the Administration led by the councilor for Labor Policies, Productive Activities and Human Resources, Cristina Tajani, with representatives of the trade union organizations and the RSU of the institution signed the agreement.

“Thanks to this agreement, signed with all the trade union organizations and the RSU – comments councilor Tajani -, we have managed to guarantee employees the opportunity to best express their potential, abilities and skills. Economic recognition is a direct consequence. A path that is not simple but the result of a rich and detailed discussion, with a fundamental shared objective: starting from work to make the municipal machine more efficient, giving concrete answers to enhance the skills of employees and improve services to citizens".
The signing of the agreement had been expected since 2002, the year of the last decentralization of the Municipality of Milan which regulated, among other things, the additional salary of employees. A contract that was also born under the sign of unity: the document was in fact signed by all the trade union representatives and the RSU of the Municipality of Milan, including the acronyms that have not signed the national employment contract. A sign once again of the uniqueness of the Municipality of Milan and of a climate of mutual trust between the parties, based on the constant commitment to improving the quality of life of citizens and workers. Finally, with reference to the economic quantities, additional resources of over 4,5 million euros have been allocated to decentralized bargaining, resources which do not burden the current budget of the institution as they are the result of the careful work on spending savings carried out in these years. These resources support an additional salary structure that aims to enhance the role, job positions as well as incentivize the assumption of responsibility by employees in order to enhance their skills, commitment and abilities.

The new contract supports and implements the virtuous path implemented by the Administration in recent years which has allowed for over 2000 new hires since the beginning of the mandate, in order to lead the municipal machine towards a growth path aimed at improving quality of the services and personnel available to citizens and the city's productive fabric.


Updated: 26/12/2019