Work. Councilor Tajani at the "Annual Forum on the Labor Market" on Wednesday 27 November

Work. Councilor Tajani at the "Annual Forum on the Labor Market" on Wednesday 27 November

Milan, November 26 2019 – Tomorrow, Wednesday 27 November, at the Società Umanitaria in Via San Barnaba 48 starting at 9 am, the councilor for Labor Policies, Productive Activities and Commerce Cristina Tajani will participate in the first “Annual Forum on the Labor Market”. 

The meeting will be an opportunity for a discussion between the main players in the Milan metropolitan area to dialogue and develop a moment of common reflection on the new dynamics of the world of work in the city. Among the topics addressed during the morning were changing work, young people and work and the thousand faces of self-employment.

The annual Forum on the labor market is an experimental initiative born on the proposal and with the active participation of the Humanitarian Society, a historical body active in the field of work and social issues for more than a century, to which they have joined, signing a protocol of agreement, the Municipality of Milan, the Metropolitan City of Milan, Assolombarda Confindustria Milan, Monza and Brianza, Lodi, Confcommercio Milan, Lodi, Monza and Brianza, Artisans Union of the Province of Milan and Monza Brianza, Cgil Milan, Cisl Milan Metropoli and Uil Milan and Lombardy. 

The institutions and associations present aim to promote interventions to better "read" the various labor market observatories already existing in the area, comparing data and socializing the results of their respective areas of expertise, as a preparatory basis for the identification of further specific aspects of common interest to be investigated.


Updated: 26/11/2019