Work. Municipality, unions and Assolombarda together to promote agile working

Work. Municipality, unions and Assolombarda together to promote agile working

A network of services and coworking spaces available to businesses and workers to encourage the spread of new ways of working

Milan, June 11 2019 - Promote the development of the culture of agile working in the territory also through coworking spaces, contributing to the start of a positive discussion on the diffusion of territorial welfare practices.

Sono questi gli obiettivi del Protocollo d’intesa, presentato oggi a Palazzo Marino e sottoscritto da Cristina Tajani, assessore alle Politiche del lavoro, Attività produttive, Commercio e Risorse umane del Comune di Milano, Massimo Bottelli, Direttore Settore Lavoro, Welfare e Capitale umano di Assolombarda, Massimo Bonini, Segretario Generale CGIL Camera del lavoro metropolitana di Milano, Carlo Gerla, Segretario Generale CISL Milano Metropoli e Danilo Margaritella, Segretario Generale UIL Milano e Lombardia.

“In recent years – explains the councilor Cristina Tajani – we experimented with agile working within the institution and encouraged its diffusion in public and private companies in the area, also enhancing the widespread network of coworking spaces present in the city. We are convinced that this way of working, in addition to promoting the bringing of the family sphere closer to the working sphere, significantly contributes to enhancing workers by making the individual employee responsible and motivating him to achieve results, regardless of the hours spent in the office".

The advanced development of information technologies today allows greater flexibility in work, favoring both the productivity of businesses and social needs such as environmental protection, better management of life and work times, as well as less urban traffic congestion and better air quality.

The Protocol, which will have an experimental duration of two years, intends to enhance an Ambrosian model of agile working and strengthen public-private commitment and synergy to make the Milan area a place where the culture of agile working is also favored through network of services available to businesses and workers.

From this perspective, the Municipality of Milan, which already has consolidated experience in experimenting with agile working, will favor forms of facilitated access for businesses and workers to all coworking spaces in the area. In fact, coworking spaces represent workplaces which, due to their widespread characteristics, can promote work-life conciliation, spaces of sociality and organizational culture.


Updated: 11/06/2019