Day for the elimination of violence against women. From today the number 1522 in all registry offices

Day for the elimination of violence against women. From today the number 1522 in all registry offices

Mayor Giuseppe Sala, together with councilor Gaia Romani, at the registry office in via Larga for the posting of the first posterPhoto gallery

Milan, November 25 2021 – The first permanent poster on the anti-violence and anti-stalking number 1522 was displayed this morning in the general hall of the registry office in via Larga, in the presence of the mayor Giuseppe Sala, together with the councilor for civic and general services Gaia Romani, the delegate for Gender equal opportunities Elena Lattuada and the President of the Equal Opportunities and Civil Rights Commission Diana De Marchi.

The campaign, promoted by the Department of Civic and General Services, aims to inform and raise awareness among citizens of the existence of the national number 1522, free and active 24 hours a day, 24 days a year, which receives requests with specialized operators of help, offers assistance and support in all languages ​​to women victims of violence or stalking.

"Milan – declares the mayor Giuseppe Sala – increasingly wants to be a city that responds to the needs of women. The numbers of gender violence are dramatic and require us to keep our guard up: none of us can nor should be an inert witness and silent. This is why, alongside the work we have done, and will continue to do, to prevent the phenomenon and build personalized paths for liberation from the spiral of violence, with the Milan women's centres, the anti-violence network and the shelters, we want our public offices are places where it is possible to find useful information to ask for help if you are in difficulty".

"The lack of information – declares the councilor for civic and general services Gaia Romani – can represent an obstacle to asking for help. Visiting all the registry delegations I found that there were indications of any kind: from the methods of payment of the Tari to how to separate waste collection, but none on the anti-violence and anti-stalking number 1522. Not all women know about this service and for this reason I wanted to promote an information and awareness campaign which, beyond the single day, will not only remain over time but will replicated in other public offices, in order to make it as widespread as possible. Gender-based violence is a plague that affects all social classes, age groups and nationalities across the board and, in a city with a heterogeneous fabric like that. of Milan, it is necessary to think about building services that are accessible to all types of people who live in our area, regardless of their level of education, distance from the centre, economic condition, presence of disabilities or language spoken. No woman should ever feel alone."

The initiative will then be replicated, during the day, in the remaining twelve registry offices in Milan and, in the coming months, in other public offices.

Councilor Gaia Romani and President of the Equal Opportunities and Civil Rights Commission Diana De Marchi


Updated: 26/11/2021