Food policy. Municipality of Milan and the Italian agency for development cooperation join forces to consolidate the action of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact and contribute to achieving the objectives of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

Food policy. Municipality of Milan and the Italian agency for development cooperation join forces to consolidate the action of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact and contribute to achieving the objectives of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development


Milan, June 14 2022 - The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact continues its action as a legacy of Expo 2015 and consolidates the commitment of cities on the issues of the 2030 Agenda: Municipality of Milan and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation together to contribute to the promotion of sustainable food policies , a priority theme for achieving various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations.     The Agency and the Municipality have signed an agreement in recent days which provides for strategic and joint cooperation on the promotion of Food Policy actions, through the precious experience and support of all the decentralized offices of the AICS. Milan's growing leading role as a city promoting and leading the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) will therefore allow the development of new synergies and projects in Italy and around the world. To do this, the Municipality will be able to count on a collaboration with AICS which will develop over the next three years, so as to strengthen the role of cities in the sustainable transformation of food systems starting from those signatories of the MUFPP, which currently numbers over 230 cities , of which 28 are Italian.    Cooperating with the most important United Nations structures on the issues of food and urban food systems (FAO, WHO, WFP, UN-Habitat, COP) and with various multilateral bodies (European Union, African Union), the MUFPP has become over the years the reference point on the sustainability of urban food systems. The objective is to promote the development of Food Policies aimed at making urban food systems more sustainable, inclusive, resilient, safe and diversified to guarantee healthy and accessible food for all, respecting everyone's rights, with the aim of reduce food waste, preserve biodiversity and mitigate the effects of climate change. Objectives shared by AICS, which carries out in its foreign offices and through important skills and international relations, the fight against poverty, in particular food poverty, the reduction of inequalities, the affirmation of human rights and the dignity of individuals, the prevention of conflicts and support for peace processes.     From this comes the commitment of the AICS alongside the Municipality of Milan, given the exceptional nature of the experience and skills gained by the MUFPP, recognizing it as a key player in the definition of an urban strategy on food issues at a local level.  The partnership between AICS and the Municipality of Milan-MUFPP will materialize in a series of actions to be carried out over the next three years, including the consolidation of the network of cities adhering to the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, also through the organization of dedicated regional meetings and the development of projects, the organization of national and international events on urban food policies which involve, in addition to the relevant actors of Italian international cooperation, cities of significant interest for the Municipality and for the AICS.     AICS - Italian Agency for Development Cooperation  The agency is the government body that takes care of international development projects and initiatives in all sectors, from the environment to health, from social inclusion to food security. It has its headquarters in Rome, 19 offices abroad and operates in over 50 countries (    MUFPP - Milan Urban Food Policy Pact   It is a network of over 230 cities committed to the development of innovative food policies, born on the impulse of Expo 2015 and promotes a platform of continuous exchange and interaction between the signatory cities from 74 nations, to accelerate the transition towards sustainable, inclusive,

Updated: 14/06/2022