Ukraine emergency. Milan near the city of Warsaw: donate 10 tons of food thanks to the alliance between the Municipality and IBVA 

Ukraine emergency. Milan near the city of Warsaw: donate 10 tons of food thanks to the alliance between the Municipality and IBVA 

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Milan, 14 April 2022 – Over 10 tons of food aid and hygiene products left for Warsaw from Milan to support the Polish city's humanitarian activities in welcoming Ukrainian refugees.

It was the synergy between the Municipality of Milan and its Food policy and the Istituto Beata Vergine Addolorata (IBVA) association that allowed the departure of the maxi convoy sent to Warsaw on 11 April, reaching its destination.

"We are grateful to the volunteers of the IBVA association, for the great commitment they have shown for some time now in the fight against food poverty and for the willingness to collaborate with the Municipality of Milan in the development of the principles that guide our Food policy - underlines the Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala who, together with deputy mayor Anna Scavuzzo, met with IBVA volunteers and the partners of the Fenzi Group and Setoa donation - We are linked to Warsaw by a collaboration that began in 2017 and we feel close to the people and institutions of this city which are so is doing to welcome those who are fleeing the war at the moment. It is therefore with gratitude that Milan supports and supports activities like those that IBVA is carrying out: the hearts of the Milanese are big and the response of the volunteers engaged on many fronts in bringing a little ' of this spirit outside our borders, towards those who need it most, is confirmation and demonstration of it."

"This trip is yet another demonstration of how the synergy between non-profit and for-profit, guided by attentive and diligent public institutions, can produce great results. Obviously keeping in mind that nothing would have been possible without the enormous generosity of the Milanese - declares the president IBVA Gerolamo Caccia Dominioni - Solidando per l'Ukraine started out as a bet, driven by the wave of emotion, but today we can say that it could represent a model, which we hope will be increasingly reproducible. Once again, my heartfelt thanks sincerely goes to all the energies who, by coming together, made all this possible."

The convoy that left in recent days is not the first project on which IBVA and the Municipality of Milan are working together: since 2020 during the lockdown, the association has taken part in the Milan helps activity, a food aid device that was implemented in the 10 hubs activated in the city. It still participates in the neighborhood hub project against food waste through the activation of a new hub for the recovery of surplus food in the historic center area, which is scheduled to open next May 2022. IBVA has also activated membership cards own social market Solidando protests against Ukrainian refugees in Milan and starting from the beginning of the emergency in Ukraine it activated a food collection among the Milanese for food and basic necessities, sent in March 2022 in favor of the Ukrainian Red Cross.


Updated: 14/04/2022