Political elections. The Municipality of Milan involved in the voting operations of the foreign constituency

Political elections. The Municipality of Milan involved in the voting operations of the foreign constituency

Until September 23rd it is possible to submit your candidacy as scrutineer and polling station president

Milan, September 14 2022 – 948.157 Milanese citizens are called to the polls on Sunday 25 September for the renewal of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic. For the first time, XNUMX-year-olds will be able to vote for both houses of Parliament.

In this electoral round, the Municipality of Milan, together with four other metropolitan cities, Rome, Naples, Florence and Bologna, was identified as a decentralized location for the counting of postal votes of Italians residing abroad, particularly in Europe. For this reason, in addition to the number of scrutineers (5.124) and polling station presidents (1.248) envisaged for ordinary operations, Palazzo Marino will recruit a further 844 scrutineers and their 211 presidents for the scrutiny of the parcels deriving from the foreign constituency.

A further challenge for the municipal organizational machine, which led the Administration to involve - through an email appeal - also the rectors of the universities and the principals of the Milanese civic schools to invite their students and students.

To apply you must be an adult with Italian citizenship, resident in Milan and have attended compulsory school; it is possible to express your availability until Friday 23 September by completing the form.

For polling station presidents (who require a high school diploma) the expected compensation is 187 euros, while for scrutineers it is 145 euros.

It is published on the portal of the Municipality of Milan on mini site dedicated to the political elections of 25 September where you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

In the section "Where do I vote?" as well as knowing the voting station and your constituency of reference, you can consult the list of polling stations subject to change and the updated addresses of the places where you can go to vote.

The voter must show up at their polling station with a valid identity document and the electoral card: those who have lost it or have run out of spaces available can go, without the need for an appointment, to one of the registry offices or to the electoral office in via Messina 52.

The electoral office and the central hall in via Larga 12 will be open extraordinarily from Monday 19 September to Saturday 24 from 8am to 30pm and Sunday 19 from 25am to 7pm. 
Extended hours also for the decentralized registry offices, which will remain open on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th from 8.30am to 12pm and from 30pm to 14pm.

Updated: 15/09/2022