Building efficiency. Incentives for the renewal of systems, 12 million euros still available

Building efficiency. Incentives for the renewal of systems, 12 million euros still available

Applications due by December 31st. 11 million euros have already been allocated for the replacement of oil boilers

Milan, November 12 2020 – The Municipality of Milan financed the execution of energy efficiency works on private homes with the BE2 tender. 11 million euros have already been allocated and 12 million are still available. The request must be sent to the Administration no later than December 31st of this year. Work is expected to begin no later than autumn 2021.

The BE1 and BE2 tenders, financed in total for 23 million and 850 thousand euros, have made it possible in recent years to provide funds to private individuals to carry out works to reduce the environmental impact on private building stock (for example, installation of solar panels, roofs and walls green areas, depaving of external areas, replacement of old heating systems, thermal insulation etc.).

The Municipality aimed to further incentivize the carrying out of interventions on the building envelope and the replacement of systems powered by fossil fuels with systems powered by renewable resources, efficient district heating and micro-cogeneration. To date, in the city, there are still over 1.500 diesel boilers: according to Amat estimates, for each system replaced it is possible to achieve an annual saving of CO2 equal to 7 tons less with a gas system, 10 tons for district heating, 14 with a heat pump system. At the moment the city council is discussing the introduction of a ban on the use of all systems still powered by diesel fuel in private buildings.

Overall, the impact on air quality resulting from the replacement of all the gas and oil boilers still present in the city would allow a reduction in emissions of approximately 46 thousand tonnes of CO2.

These are all interventions that make it possible to significantly reduce emissions and reduce heating and cooling costs, thus improving the quality of Milan's air and saving families.

In the link some information slides to apply and the link to the site pages with the gang

Updated: 12/11/2020