Education. Sanitized spaces, contained and traceable groups, respect for distancing: what will the after-school period be like

Education. Sanitized spaces, contained and traceable groups, respect for distancing: what will the after-school period be like

Galimberti: "Intense work to guarantee the restart of this fundamental service for families and important for the sociality of girls and boys." Registrations from October 2nd, activities start from the 26th   

Milan, September 29 2020 – From 26 October the so-called evening games, the after-school service in Milanese primary schools, will be active, in order to ensure that the resumption of educational activities is accompanied by supplementary educational services that meet the needs of family reconciliation. 

To guarantee the safe carrying out of the activities and to adapt to the directives of the Ministry of Education, the Lombardy Region and the Scientific Technical Committee, it was necessary to redesign the service with registration and use methods different from previous years. To this end, the Municipality of Milan has approved with a resolution the guidelines for the restart of after-school care in primary schools, which last year was requested by approximately 5 thousand families in 132 school complexes.    

The evening games will then be activated for an hour and a half at the end of the teaching activity. Annual registrations will open from 2 October for schools that can make adequate spaces available to respect the social distancing required by the rules. Groups will be created with a minimum of 10 attendees and in any case of small size and suitable for the spaces, stable within them and traceable through an attendance survey. Each group will have a reference educator who will remain the same for the entire school year. The spaces will be carefully sanitized before and after their use.  

In the event of requests exceeding availability, rankings will be drawn up which will take into account the composition of the family unit, the presence of one or more members of the unit with disabilities, and the working status of the parents. In any case, priority will be given to minors resident in the Municipality of Milan.

“In recent weeks – declares Education Councilor Laura Galimberti – we have worked intensely to guarantee the restart of this fundamental service for families and important for the sociality of girls and boys who will thus have the opportunity to see each other and be together - distantly but close - even beyond school hours, thus recovering the time and educational opportunities that were taken away from them during the months of school closure. In the coming months we will monitor the evolution of the epidemiological situation to verify the conditions to restart other services and return, in small steps, towards the school that we all remember and are fond of".  

While waiting for the start of the service, the Municipality has made the educational staff of the cooperatives that deal with before and after school available to the school managers to assist in the entry into the start-up phase of the activities. There are approximately one hundred schools that are taking advantage of this possibility.   

Updated: 29/09/2020