Education. The municipality's holiday homes reopen: stays and trips for 600 children with their parents

Education. The municipality's holiday homes reopen: stays and trips for 600 children with their parents

In Ghiffa and Andora 100 children with disabilities will be hosted, while in Vacciago day trips are planned for another 500 minors between August and September

Milan, July 24 2020 – Organize moments of leisure and socializing for children and young people, in the company of their families, with particular attention to the needs of minors with disabilities. This is the objective of the Administration which has approved the guidelines for the creation of two initiatives, "Summer together" and "Out of the ordinary", dedicated to students of primary and lower secondary schools and which will be held during the periods of August and September at the holiday homes of the Municipality of Milan.

“Summer together” involves the hospitality of around 100 minors with disabilities, accompanied by their parents, in holiday homes in Ghiffa and Andora. These will be stays organized over three shifts of twelve days each (3 August - 11 September) during which recreational and recreational activities are planned, specifically designed for the type of users hosted and to involve both the minor and the companion. An opportunity to relieve families and share a holiday opportunity.

“Out of the ordinary” instead provides for the daily hospitality of approximately 500 minors accompanied by at least one family member at the holiday home in Vacciago, for a maximum number of 24 days, in the period between 3 August and 11 September, with forecast of outdoor recreational activities and excursions near the property.

“Due to the health emergency - declares Education Councilor Laura Galimberti - educational experiences have been significantly limited and those who have paid the price have often been the most fragile, children with disabilities. This is why we are very happy to be able to offer families, in addition to the summer centers and the many opportunities offered by the Milan Summer School, the opportunity to give their children and share with them those moments of sociality that they were deprived of during the confinement. ”.

The organizational model will obviously be revised to guarantee maximum safety for operators and users by providing for the use of personal protective equipment, a reception triage, and division into small groups.

Reservations will be open starting from July 25th on the site

Updated: 24/07/2020