Education. Initiatives for the rights of children and young people on the thirtieth anniversary of the UN Convention

Education. Initiatives for the rights of children and young people on the thirtieth anniversary of the UN Convention

Events, meetings, workshops, debates, the historic march and the "Rights on display" initiative of the municipality's nursery schools

Milan, November 17 2019 – Wednesday 20 November marks the thirtieth anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of Children and Adolescents, approved by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 November 1989. Many initiatives will be dedicated throughout the week in Milan, which will have their culmination in the historic march, organized by the association 'Racism is a bad story' in collaboration with the UNICEF Committee of Milan and now in its twentieth edition, which will start at 9.30 am in Piazza Santo Stefano, arriving at around 11 am in Piazza Castello, where greetings and entertainment will be held.
This year, the widespread initiative "Rights on display" is also added to the traditional march, organized by the Department of Education to celebrate the important anniversary of the Convention. There are 70 nursery schools and nursery schools in the Municipality of Milan that have joined and are creating a path with the children which, at the end of readings, films, performances and circle time chats on one or more rights of their choice, will lead to the creation of billboards, paper trees, laminated decorations, banners, which will be displayed outside (on gates or around the neighborhood) and inside individual structures to raise awareness among both families and the entire area.
To promote in particular the rights of children to move in an active and sustainable way and to live in a safe and non-polluted environment, the 'School roads' initiative was also created, organized by Massa Martocchi, Genitori Antismog and Fiab Milano Ciclobby with the support of the Municipality of Milan and many parents' associations, to give the children of some Milanese schools and their families a special afternoon, transforming the streets in front of their schools into play spaces: on Wednesday 20 November, in the afternoon, they will therefore be closed to traffic on viale Molise service road (from Piazzale Cuoco to via Monte Velino), via Colletta (from via Lattanzio to viale Umbria), via Moscati (from the Corso Sempione service road to via Londonio), via Balilla (from via Gentilino to via Tabacchi), via Bergognone (school side, from via Cola di Rienzo to piazza del Rosario), via Stoppani (from piazzale Lavater to via Zambeletti), via Sacco (from via Seprio to piazza Sicilia) and via Pisacane (from via Goldoni to piazza Fratelli Bandiera).
In questi giorni si stanno insediando anche i Consigli di Municipio dei Ragazzi e delle Ragazze: durante questa settimana si sono riuniti i Municipi 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 e 9, mentre nel corso della prossima si insedieranno i Municipi 7, 8 e 1. Quest’ultimo farà la cerimonia proprio il 20 novembre, nella Sala del Consiglio di Palazzo Marino (dalle ore 17.30). Lo stesso giorno, invece, dalle ore 18.45, presso l’aula Magna della Manzoni (via Deledda 11) si terrà la settima edizione di ‘Yes we can’, l’incontro con gli ex-studenti del CIA che raccontano agli attuali iscritti i loro percorsi di successo. Sempre il CIA si presenterà poi a tutti coloro che sono curiosi di approfondire i percorsi proposti il 22 novembre, dalle 10 alle 18, durante la giornata "Terra! Scegli la tua rotta": test, colloqui e laboratori per l’orientamento formativo, gratuiti e aperti a tutti, dai 12 ai 25 anni.
Finally, two meetings to reflect together with sector operators and families will be held on November 20th with free admission (subject to availability):
- 'Art as Education. The right to Beauty: a reasonable utopia' (20 November, from 9am to 13.30pm - Chiesetta del Parco Trotter, via Giacosa 46): the relationship between art and education through the pedagogy of desire in educational policies;
- 'Legality and correct use of new technologies' (20 November, from 17pm - auditorium of the IC Quintino Di Vona-Tito Speri, via Sacchini 34): the prevention of antisocial conduct and effective educational relationships on the subject of new technologies.

Updated: 19/11/2019