Education. Refunds begin for the first two months of non-provision of the canteen service

Education. Refunds begin for the first two months of non-provision of the canteen service

To request it, you will need to connect to the Milano Ristorazione website and fill out the form. The balance will be paid by June 30th

Milan, May 12 2020 – Milano Ristorazione will proceed with the reimbursement of the first sixty days of failure to provide the canteen service, to those who request it.

The uncertainty about a possible return to school for the completion of the scholastic and educational year had made it necessary to wait before proceeding with the reimbursement due to families, in order to be able to quantify the amount based on the actual calculation of the days of unprovided services. Given, however, the continuation of the suspension of school services and, consequently, of school meals, Milano Ristorazione has decided in the next few days to proceed with the reimbursement of the first two months (March and April) of non-provision of the service, even in the absence of provisions officials on whether or not the current school year will be permanently suspended.

Those who prefer to wait, however, will receive the total refund, in a single solution, as soon as the resumption or otherwise of the service for the current school year is made official and therefore, in any case, by the month of June 2020. Always by the end of June, those who have requested a partial refund will receive the balance.

“Already at the beginning of the health emergency due to the spread of the Coronavirus – explains the Councilor for Education Laura Galimberti – the Municipality, through an order from the Mayor, had guaranteed the reimbursement of the canteen service fees for the period not used. Today that purpose is realized to meet the difficulties, including economic ones, that families are facing in this complicated period, with the hope of being able to meet up with our children for lunch again as soon as possible".

“The reason why we have not yet made refunds – declares the President of Milano Ristorazione Bernardo Lucio Notarangelo – is that, even if there have been many declarations on the matter, there are no official provisions establishing whether the schools will reopen or not, before the end of the school year. If there was certainty, in one sense or another, we would be able to calculate how much to recognize as a refund to families who paid in advance for the total and definitive number of months in which the school lunch service remains suspended. However, given the prolongation of this uncertainty, we have decided to proceed in the next few days with a partial refund of the first period of non-use of the service".

Requesting a refund is very simple: just connect to the website and follow the instructions in the section dedicated to "2020 Refunds" to fill out the form provided, after accessing your personal page.

The form must necessarily be completed by the holder of the meal contribution for which the reimbursement is requested which can be paid in two different ways: by bank transfer to the applicant's current account or by bank transfer to Poste Italiane.

In recent weeks, the Municipality and Milano Ristorazione have also received spontaneous requests to waive reimbursement from over one hundred parents who have expressed their intention to donate the sum due to help the neediest families. To respond to their request, Milano Ristorazione has prepared a form which provides for the donation of the refund to the Mutual Aid Fund.

“Even in this moment of difficulty, Milan – conclude councilor Galimberti and president Notarangelo – has been able to demonstrate its generous soul, capable of stimulating the institutions and triggering new mechanisms of solidarity. Our thanks therefore also go to these mothers and fathers thanks to whom the principle of 'those who can give and those who cannot take' has found an unprecedented application that will contribute to helping those who need it most."

Milan Catering

Updated: 12/05/2020