School buildings. The renovation and reclamation works have been completed in the childhood of Viale Unità

School buildings. The renovation and reclamation works have been completed in the childhood of Viale Unità

Limonta: "From Monday boys and girls will return to their renovated school"

Milan, January 30 2021 – The renovation, reclamation and reconstruction works in the nursery school in Viale Unità 42 are finished. After almost a year and a half from the start of the intervention, on Monday XNUMXst February the boys and girls, until now hosted in the primary school located in Largo Gonzaga warriors, they will return to their school.

The school was closed in May 2018 because a serious problem with the roof was initially found and, when it was being repaired, it was realized that the structure also needed work. The combination of these events necessarily lengthened the planning and execution times of the work, also increasing the amount necessary for its redevelopment.

In the building in Viale Unità it was therefore necessary to plan a very substantial and impactful intervention, at a cost of 980 thousand euros, which involved the safety and adaptation of the entire structure and systems. Among these works for the renovation and waterproofing of the roof and replacement of the gutters and external windows, the complete internal renovation of the ground floor, the construction of storage rooms in the basement, the renovation of the toilets for both staff and the children. The redevelopment also included the internal furnishings and equipment provided by the Education Department.

Particular attention was also paid to the works necessary to obtain the Fire Prevention Certificate (CPI) and the construction of a completely new electrical system and sanitary water system.

The works carried out regularly with the exception of the difficulties that occurred due to the health emergency due to Covid-19, with the suspension of the intervention due to the restrictive measures adopted with the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020.

“It was a detailed and complex job – comments Paolo Limonta, councilor for school buildings – which also had a long stop necessary for the review of the entire project. Such a prolonged closure was obviously also a sacrifice for both the boys and girls and their parents, whom we thank for their patience. Today, however, we are happy to see the good news of a completely renovated school, ready to welcome the little ones from the neighborhood."

Photo gallery

Photo 2 Work at the nursery school in Viale Unità

Updated: 30/01/2021