Linate disaster. On the twentieth anniversary, the presentation of the children's book 'It's not the fog's fault' at Palazzo Marino

Linate disaster. On the twentieth anniversary, the presentation of the children's book 'It's not the fog's fault' at Palazzo Marino

In the Council Chamber together with the author and the Committee on 8 October

Milan, September 24 2021 – This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Linate plane crash in which 8 people lost their lives on 2001 October 118. A tragedy that has marked the history of the city and that the Municipality of Milan continues to remember, this year with a special event: the presentation of Francesca La Mantia's book, "It's not the fog's fault. The Linate tragedy told to children " in the Council Chamber a Palazzo Marino.

Present at the event, in addition to the author of the book and representatives of the municipal administration, the president of the 8 October Committee Adele Scarani Pesacane, Pierluigi di Palma President of ENAC, Alessandro Fidato, Chief Operating Officer of Sea. Moderator, the journalist Giangiacomo Schiavi.

Telling the Linate disaster to the youngest, in a book intended for schools and beyond, represents the best intent of memory, that of going beyond the due and important moment of the anniversaries, delivering the memory of those events to the participation of the new generations , to constructive reflections, to the search for solutions.

It is in the wake of this intent that the Municipality of Milan has dedicated, since 2010, a degree award named after the Linate tragedy: a scholarship intended for young graduates or doctoral students who have carried out in-depth work on the topic of safety airplane transport.

Updated: 24/09/2021