State property. Auction for the sale of five assets including areas and buildings

State property. Auction for the sale of five assets including areas and buildings

Public tender on separate lots with the most economically advantageous offer mechanism

Milan, July 7 2020 - The valorisation of the real estate assets of the Municipality of Milan continues. Notices for the sale of five assets owned by the State will soon be published. It concerns a property, a building, two lands and a garage for which a public auction will be held in separate lots, which will reward the most economically advantageous offers, scheduled for 8 October 2020.

We start from the building from the beginning of the last century, in Corso Vercelli 22, made up of three buildings connected to each other, covering 2.870 m10.048.500,00. The starting price is 2024 euros. The property is currently used by the "Giovanni and Irene Cova Foundation" as a training center with a lease that expires in XNUMX. The current tenant will have the right of first refusal on the higher financial offer but will have to participate in the tender. In case he does not participate in the tender, he will have the right to continue activities with the rental contract until the expiry date.

Auction also for the transfer of the 30-year surface right for the real estate complex consisting of a shed for garage use and a building for office use in via Novara 75. The starting price is 715 thousand euros.

The starting prices for three other properties are more limited: 86.588 euros for the area of ​​via Buonarroti 153 which is located in Monza for 1.160 m16; 640 thousand euros for an area in the municipality of Peschiera Borromeo of 15 m23; XNUMX thousand euros for a garage in viale Bligny XNUMX/A, in Milan.

Approval of the full tender for the sale in full ownership/surface rights, through public auction, of 5 municipally owned properties

Updated: 07/07/2020