State property. Announcement for 4 properties confiscated from the mafias

State property. Announcement for 4 properties confiscated from the mafias

Tasca: "Where there was lawlessness there will be civil rebirth." These are apartments put up for tender for social purposes

Milan, 26 December 2020 – Another four properties confiscated from organized crime become part of the assets of the Municipality of Milan. Palazzo Marino has ordered that the seized premises be assigned to new concessionaires through a public tender procedure for social purposes.

"It is always a satisfaction to be able to ascribe other assets confiscated from the mafias and taken out of the hands of criminals to the state heritage - states the councilor for State Property, Roberto Tasca -. Once available we will do what we have always done with maximum transparency, that is, put out a tender the spaces, this time with social purposes, so that where there was illegality, experiences of civil and economic rebirth may flourish".

“I hope - adds the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti - that the four apartments will find projects in the city capable of further articulating the offer of homes for the most vulnerable people, in line with what we have been building for some time”.

The four confiscated properties will then be put up for tender and if the tenders are unsuccessful the premises will be put on the market, reusing the related proceeds exclusively for social purposes.

The properties consist of four apartments: in via Giovanni da Verrazzano 26b, in viale Campania 2, in via Val di Bondo 21 and in via Ricciarelli 14.

Updated: 26/12/2020