Culture. Saturday 21 December in the Adriano district, the last stop of the #fuoricastello project, the traveling museum created by children

Culture. Saturday 21 December in the Adriano district, the last stop of the #fuoricastello project, the traveling museum created by children

Milan, 20 December 2019 - On Saturday 21 January, in via Adriano 81 (in front of the Esselunga car park), the "Itinerant Museum" created by the children of the Adriano neighborhood will be stationed from 10am to 18pm, which can be freely visited by everyone also thanks to the collaboration of the museum custodians of the Municipality of Milan who were specifically trained on the project and on the relationship with very young visitors.

The traveling Museum is the last stage of the #FuoriCastello project, which took the Sforzesco Castle Museums outside their walls, in the Adriano/Padua district, thanks to the collaboration between the Municipality of Milan (Artistic Heritage and Security Enhancement Area, Castello Superintendency Area , Archaeological Museums and Historical Museums), Architects Without Borders Italy and La Grande Fabbrica delle Parole, as part of the Lacittàintorno urban regeneration program of the Cariplo Foundation. The objective of the project is in fact the regeneration of Milan's neighborhoods through actions that encourage the aggregation of citizens, participation and enjoyment of artistic and cultural activities and initiatives.

Four classes of the 'Vittorio Bottego' state primary school in via San Mamete visited the Museum of Decorative Arts, together with La Grande Fabbrica delle Parole and the Educational Services of the Sforzesco Castle, the first step in a broader process of appropriation of museum spaces. Subsequently, the Museum went to their school, bringing some finds into the classrooms and asking the children to be the curators and decide on their display.

The young curators were then invited to select an object of affection, an artifact from everyday life, to build their ideal museum.

At the same time, Architetti senza Frontiere Italia worked on the participatory construction of the traveling museum, a mobile structure designed with the children of the "Caravaggio" state artistic high school in via Prinetti (via Padova area), which collects, interprets and recounts the "finds of everyday ” selected by the children, and which will bring the museum seen through their eyes to significant places in the neighborhood.

“We have brought the Sforzesco Castle to the Adriano district, an important step to shorten urban and registry distances in the name of art and culture – declared the councilor for Culture Filippo Del Corno -. Works of art and high craftsmanship from our civic collections traveled from the rooms of the Castle Museums to the primary school in via San Mamete, allowing children to enter into a direct and immediate relationship with the city's heritage. Now this project has taken shape in a traveling structure, a true traveling contemporary museum that can be admired by everyone on Saturday."

The traveling museum has in fact already been exhibited from 13 to 18 December in Cascina Turro, together with the Castle finds chosen by the children and visible on the upper floor of the building. 

Photo gallery

In-depth analysis of the traveling exhibition (with images) , promising


Updated: 20/12/2019