Culture. The fourth edition of Jazzmi was presented, scheduled from 1st to 10th November with over 190 events spread across the city

Culture. The fourth edition of Jazzmi was presented, scheduled from 1st to 10th November with over 190 events spread across the city

Milan, October 1 2019 – The fourth edition of JazzMi was presented, the widespread festival chosen by over 50.000 spectators in the last edition, which again this year will bring the protagonists of international jazz to the great stages of Milan, will give the new promises the opportunity to play in unconventional places and will talk about the many facets of jazz through concerts, exhibitions, films, meetings, books and masterclasses.

JazzMi is conceived and produced by Triennale Milano Teatro and Ponderosa Music & Art, in synergy with Blue Note Milano, and created thanks to the Municipality of Milan - Department of Culture, with the contribution of SIAE, main partner Intesa Sanpaolo, partner Volvo, under the artistic direction by Luciano Linzi and Titti Santini.

For the fourth consecutive year, Triennale Milano Teatro and Blue Note Milano will be the places from which to start and arrive, to fully experience the festival. In addition to the many concerts that will host big names in international and Italian jazz, it will be possible to see some of the best emerging talents at work, meet the artists and participate in workshops, panels and conferences organized in the third edition of JazzDoIt. From here JazzMi will expand to involve over eighty different cultural spaces including Teatro dal Verme, Milan Conservatory, Milan Auditorium, Castello Sforzesco, Palazzina Appiani, PAC | Pavilion of Contemporary Art, with new challenges and extraordinary returns.

JazzMi, as has become tradition, becomes a new opportunity to experience and rediscover the neighborhoods of the city outside the centre, those peripheral areas that are increasingly relevant in the story of Milan's transformations which offer the possibility of listening to jazz in symbolic places. On weekends, four routes are organized throughout the day which allow, concert after concert, to explore Milan and discover its social and cultural fabric among markets, churches, gyms and social spaces: Gratosoglio, Corvetto, Chiaravalle, Casoretto, via Padova, Bovisa and Dergano. In addition to the concerts, there are also special projects such as the performance with over fifty percussionists led by Dario Buccino at Made in Corvetto, the itinerant brass bands that will liven up Gratosoglio, Casoretto and via Padova thanks to the collaborations started with "Lacittàintorno", the three-year project promoted by the Cariplo Foundation to promote well-being and quality of life in our cities and in particular in the most fragile areas present therein.

This year JazzMi will not stop here and will also involve those citizens who, for various reasons, cannot attend the days of the festival: five concerts at the San Vittore prison, the Medicinema room of the Niguarda hospital, the Casa Sollievo Bimbi di Casa Vidas (in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo), the Casa della Carità and the Isocrate Center of the Gaetano Pini Institute.

JazzMi is music and more: the festival programme, available on the website and through the new version of the JAZZMI app on Google Play and Apple Store, it is in fact structured according to different routes that will involve the whole city for ten days.

Artist - Great international and international artists on the city's stages

Free, Around, Kids - Free concerts, workshops and events

Compaction - Exhibitions and contaminations between music and visual arts

Movie - Screenings of films and documentaries on jazz

Stories, Books - Insights into the history of jazz

Jazzdoit - Meetings with jazz professionals, with the contribution of SIAE

Night & Day - Events produced by cultural spaces that are partners of the festival


Official website, ticket office and season tickets:
Infoline: +39 351.53 988 55
Facebook & Instagram: JAZZMIMILANO
App: JAZZMI on App Store and Google Play


Updated: 01/10/2019