Culture. Wednesday 3rd online presentation of the XXVI edition of the Stelline Conference

Culture. Wednesday 3rd online presentation of the XXVI edition of the Stelline Conference

Milan, February 2 2021 - Tomorrow, Wednesday 3 February, at 11am, on YouTube, the press conference to present the twenty-sixth edition of the Stelline Conference will take place, the main national event dedicated to libraries which this year will be centered on the theme "The library as a platform for knowledge" and will be developed in different stages (Turin, Florence and Naples) to end in Milan with the traditional appointment at the end of September at Palazzo delle Stelline. 

Speakers will include the Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Milan Filippo Del Corno and the Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Turin Francesca Leon. 


Updated: 02/02/2021