Coronavirus. Scavuzzo: "Drive through Trenno is the result of joint work between institutions"

Coronavirus. Scavuzzo: "Drive through Trenno is the result of joint work between institutions"

The administration of anti-Covid vaccines has begun in the area already set up for antigenic swabs. 14 operators including local police and civil protection officers were involved 

Milan, March 15 2021 - The Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Security Anna Scavuzzo spoke this morning at the Trenno park at the inauguration of the largest drive-through anti-Covid vaccination facility in Italy. With the Deputy Mayor, the Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini, the president of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana, the head of the Military Hospital Center Col. Fabio Zullino and the general director of ASST Santi Paolo and Carlo Matteo Stocco.

"This is a drive through that tells of the joint work between the Municipality, the Region and its health system, the Police Force, the Civil Protection and the Army - Scavuzzo said in his speech -. We worked side by side so that rapid antigenic swabs could be done here first and today to develop the vaccination lines. Ours - the Deputy Mayor recalled in her speech - is a land very affected by Covid in all its provinces and here today we have the task of looking at the future with that industrious determination that is in our DNA".

In addition to the space, already active since November for antigenic swabs, the Municipality of Milan has made ten Civil Protection operators and four Local Police officers available to the facility.


Updated: 15/03/2021