Coronavirus. Local police and Civil Protection deliver new masks to doctors and pediatricians for their patients

Coronavirus. Local police and Civil Protection deliver new masks to doctors and pediatricians for their patients

Distribution of the Lombardy Region supply has begun. Deliveries to popular neighborhoods are also scheduled

Milan, 8 April 2020 - The first 120 deliveries have begun, for a total of 12.000 surgical masks, to general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice of surgical masks sent from the Lombardy Region to the Municipality of Milan for distribution to citizens.

There are 6 local police patrols and 4 civil protection teams of the Municipality of Milan involved in deliveries.

Each of the thousand doctors will receive a package containing 100 masks to be distributed to those among their patients who need them, have to leave home to go to work, have not been able to find them elsewhere and to those who live with people in quarantine and are therefore necessary that they protect themselves. Delivery to doctors and pediatricians will be completed by Friday.

“In recent weeks the collaboration with general practitioners and paediatricians has become habitual and very positive – comments the Deputy Mayor and Security Councilor Anna Scavuzzo -. We have already given them masks to protect themselves (FFP2 and FFP3), sanitizing gel, disposable sterile gloves, sanitizing liquid and a first quantity of surgical ones for their patients and now we are happy to continue this journey together, so that they can give us a hand in reaching those who have them. really needed and still doesn't have it. We hope that this shipment by the Region of 120 thousand pieces, for 1,4 million inhabitants, is only the first".

“We are also working on a distribution plan for those who live in the popular neighborhoods of the city, with the aim of delivering 100.000 masks to families,” adds the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti.

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Updated: 08/04/2020