Coronavirus. Seven temporary hubs are created for the delivery of home shopping

Coronavirus. Seven temporary hubs are created for the delivery of home shopping

Scavuzzo and Rabaiotti: “The Municipality and the Third Sector are always active against food poverty”

Milan, March 17 2020 – Thanks to the collaboration between the Department of Social and Housing Policies, the Food Policy offices and the Civil Protection of the Municipality of Milan, Food Bank, Caritas Ambrosiana, Cariplo Foundation, QuBì Program - The recipe against child poverty, Coop Lombardia, Milano Ristorazione and AMAT, seven temporary hubs are being created for the home delivery of shopping for less wealthy families.

Centocinquanta tra dipendenti del Comune, operatori e volontari – che sono stati formati a gruppi nel cortile di Palazzo Marino – saranno in campo per consegnare cibo a migliaia di persone finché saranno attive le misure per il contenimento del Coronavirus.

“The Municipality of Milan and the third sector are taking action in all possible ways to lend a hand to those who are most in difficulty in this period and to fight food poverty – commented the Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Food policy Anna Scavuzzo and the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti –. The big heart of Milan, of the Milanese and of the operators of the associations never fails to make itself heard to respond to needs even in the most complicated situations. We continue to deal with food, children, families and poverty even in this difficult time due to the Coronavirus and we do it with our usual partners".

From the Lombardy Food Bank logistics center, approximately 1 ton of food is made available every day for each hub (with the possibility of increasing in the following weeks), including pasta, rice, legumes, tuna, biscuits, tomato puree, oil, salt, sugar and, in the case of families with newborns, also artificial milk and baby food. Among the families who receive the shopping there are also those followed by the Department of Social Policies, the Food Bank and the Caritas listening centers of Milan.

The operations will be carried out according to a behavioral handbook valid for everyone, present within each hub, which will indicate the safety, cleaning, management and privacy rules. As of today, 130 masks, around 300 pairs of gloves, dispensers and bottles of sanitizing gel are available to employees and volunteers in every space.

This first week of activity will allow us to fine-tune the complex logistics of the delivery system, including other operators and/or employees of the Municipality of Milan in the teams.

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Updated: 17/03/2020