Coronavirus. #Milan helps in the field to strengthen urgent home care for the elderly and frail people

Coronavirus. #Milan helps in the field to strengthen urgent home care for the elderly and frail people

The initiative promoted by the Community Foundation alongside the Municipality of Milan, the Metropolitan City, Civil Protection and ATS Milan

Milan, March 13 2020 - Fondazione di Comunità Milano, alongside the city institutions, promotes a fundraiser to strengthen home care services for the elderly, fragile families and people discharged from hospitals and allocates the first 150 thousand euros.

Faced with the health emergency that is affecting the country and which also generates a significant social impact, the Community Foundation promotes the #Milanoaiuta fund alongside the institutions - Municipality of Milan, Metropolitan City, Civil Protection, ATS Milan - to support and strengthen proximity services, assistance and home intervention for the elderly, fragile families and people discharged from hospitals, whose condition is aggravated by the health emergency and who need help and closeness.

The fundraising is started with an allocation of 150 thousand euros, also thanks to the Cariplo Foundation; the aim of the donations, trusting in the generosity of citizens, companies and organisations, is to ensure that they can contribute to facing and overcoming the emergency with concrete and simple actions, from the expansion of the meal, medicine and shopping delivery service to accompaniment on visits that cannot be postponed or listening and supporting parents with young children.

The donation to the #MilanoAiuta Fund opened at the Foundation will allow resources to be pooled to ensure timely and effective actions, with free and integrated interventions with institutions and private social sectors ( /fondo-milanoaiuta/).

“We greatly appreciate the effort put in place by the Community Foundation and the Cariplo Foundation - intervenes the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti - Even in this emergency situation we proceed side by side, convinced that the fundraising activated is an important tool to relieve the city from this emergency that is bringing our community to its knees."

“In this phase our Foundation plays its role by promoting fundraising to aggregate resources and respond to the needs of vulnerable people, exacerbated by the health emergency – comments the president Giovanni Azzone -. The objective is to activate and strengthen local services, increase the network and operational capacity of home services through the synergistic action of public and private social structures present in the area, and provide urgent responses to people in difficulty. A challenge to face the social emergency on which we hope the generosity of those who want to join us will converge. A challenge against the sense of helplessness and loneliness."

Donations enjoy the tax benefits provided by the non-profit nature of the Milan Community Foundation.


c/c Fondazione di Comunità Milano non-profit organization
IntesaSanpaolo branch, Largo Belotti Milan
IBAN IT18 Y030 6909 6061 0000 0162 571
Reason MilanoAiuta

Online: on the platform “For Funding” by Intesa Sanpaolo.

#MilanoAiuta Fund

Updated: 17/03/2020